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The Human Person in the Environment Cheat Sheet by

The Human Person in the Environment Human Being's Approach and Influences Toward Environment

The Human Person and the Enviro­nment

December 2011
Typhoon Sendong made landfall in Mindanao, which brought heavy rains that caused flooding in Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City, leaving around eight hundred persons dead.
December 2012
Typhoon Pablo ravaged Mindanao which left around one thousand five hundred fatalities
November 2013
Typhoon Yolanda hit Leyte and Samar and took the lives of more than five thousand people.
To live life to the fullest and ensure that the future generation could also experience the same, it is imperative to take care of the natural enviro­nment.
As we continue to explore essence of the human person, it is essential to include how we interact with the natural enviro­nment. After all, Mother Nature could greatly influence the quality of human life

Enligh­tened Anthro­poc­entrism

Maintains that human beings have a moral duty to set limits in the utiliz­ation of nature's good in order to protect the needs of the future genera­tion.
entails moral delibe­ration and sustai­nable actions that are grounded on the fundam­ental human inclin­ation for preser­vation
humans should conserve and protect the enviro­nment because protecting the enviro­nment is also an act of protecting themselves and others

Miss Earth 2017 - Karen Ibasco

"I believe that the real problem in this world is not climate change; the real problem is us because of our ignorance and apathy. What we have to do is to start changing our ways, to start recali­brating our minds, and redire­cting our steps, because together, as a global community, our micro efforts will have a macro effect to help save our home, our planet. Thank you."


stems from the Judaeo­-Ch­ristian tradition
humans are the chief stewards of God's Creation
non-human beings have no intrinsic value since they are only valuable depending on their utility to human beings
This concept has a long-s­tanding influence on how human beings treat the natural enviro­nment. For years, humans have exploited Mother Nature and left traces of destru­ction all over the world

4 Principles of Anthro­poc­entrism

Four principles that define human beings' relati­onship with the natural enviro­nment (Ferna­ndez, 2019).
First, human beings must recognize their moral obliga­tions to the present generation of human beings in relation to their utiliz­ation of enviro­nmental goods
Second, the present generation must consider the well-being of future genera­tions and be aware that the stability and health of the future genera­tions are directly affected by the decisions that the present generation makes concerning the enviro­nment.
Third, people must understand and consider the full value of the various ecological services provided by the ecosystem.
Finally, people must recognize that nature has an aesthetic value.

Gallinero, et al., 2018

As moral agents, it is their respon­sib­ility to decide what is right even if their behavior and decisions are influenced by the culture of global corpor­ations.

Approaches to the Enviro­nment

Instru­mental Approach
Human being affirms the protection of the enviro­nment as long as it possesses value or importance for human being.
He/she takes care of the enviro­nment because it is a medium in establ­ishing his/her society and civili­zation.
Axiolo­gical Approach
Human being recognizes the intrinsic value of the enviro­nment.
Anthro­pol­ogical Approach
The focus of establ­ishing relati­onship with the enviro­nment is not enviro­nment itself but his/her “being”.
Our action is ethically right when it produces greater happiness for the greater number of people, otherwise the action is ethically wrong
Natural Law Ethics
We respect nature because God created it for divine purpose.
Value Ethics Perspe­ctive
The act of caring and respecting becomes our second nature.
Sacredness of Enviro­nment
The enviro­nment shall always have an inherent relation with the Creator.

Deep Ecology

Arne Naess, A Norwegian philos­opher coined the term in 1973.
radical responses to Anthro­poc­entrism
Deep Ecology is a new ecological philosophy (ecosophy) that considers humanity an integral part of nature. The ideology stresses the interd­epe­ndence of nature, humans, and non-hu­mans, as well as the enviro­nment and its natural processes.
ecological science is concerned only with facts and reasoning and cannot address ethical questions about how human beings can live
Human beings need ecological wisdom. By concen­trating on deep knowledge, deep questi­oning, and deep involv­ement, Deep Ecology seeks to establish an integrated structure where each gives rise to and supports the other.
Society needs to find a middle ground between Anthro­poc­entrism and Deep Ecology.

Simon Caney (2020)

There is overwh­elming evidence that human activities are changing the climate system. The emission of greenhouse gases results in increased temper­atures, rising sea levels, and severe weather events (such as storm surges).

Fernandez, 2019

Nature has human-like charac­ter­istics and can also recipr­ocate the kind of treatment they have towards it. The natural enviro­nment follows the law of recipr­ocity whereby any good deed done to it is justly and equally compen­sated.

Influence of Humans to Enviro­nment

The Spirit of Stewar­dship
Human being is part of creation. He/she is not the author of his/her existence. His/her existence comes from his/her creator; he/she is not the master of his/her existence
Human action does not only determine the kind of enviro­nment he/she wants to live in, but also it determines his/her existence in the enviro­nment. His/her action becomes reflexive to his/her own self-r­eal­iza­tion.
human being has to take care of the enviro­nment, and not to destroy it
Summit of Creation
he/she has moral respon­sib­ility to take care and respect the enviro­nment
In this context, he/she recognizes the “other­ness” of the enviro­nment


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