/socialspy See Private Messages
/realname {Player} See a Player's Real Name
/whois {Player} Displays a Player's Money, Real Name, and AFK Status
/nick {Player} {Nick|Off} Change your display name
/seen {Player} Checks when the player was last online
/kick {Player} {Reason} Kicks a Player off the server
/broadcast {Message} Broadcast a message to all players
/gc Displays server usage information
/tempban {Player} {Time} Temporary bans a specified Player
/home {Player:{NameOfHome}} Go to a Player's Home
/tppos {x} {y} {z} Teleports you directly to a location
/tp {Player} {To-Player} Teleport a Player to another Player
/vanish Hide yourself from other Players
/jails List all jails
/jail {Player} {Time} Sends a Player to a jail
/unjail {Player} Unjail a Player
/mute {Player} {Time} Mutes or un-mutes a specified Player
/invsee {Player} See the inventory of other Players
/afk {Player} Sets a Player's status to AFK
/clearinventory {Player} Clear a Player's inventory
/eco give {Player} {Amount} Gives the Player "x" amount of money
/eco take {Player} {Amount} Take "x" amount of money away from the Player
/eco reset {Player} Resets the player's balance to 0$
/ban {Player} {Reason} Ban a specified Player
/banip {Player|IP Address} {Reason} Ban a Player's IP
/unban {Player} Unbans a Player
/unbanip {Player | IP Address} Unbans a Player's IP
/setwarp {Name} Defines a new warp location
/delwarp {Name} Removes a warp location