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Admin Commands List Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Essentials Commands

See Private Messages
/realname {Player}
See a Player's Real Name
/whois {Player}
Displays a Player's Money, Real Name, and AFK Status
/nick {Player} {Nick|Off}
Change your display name
/seen {Player}
Checks when the player was last online
/kick {Player} {Reason}
Kicks a Player off the server
/broadcast {Message}
Broadcast a message to all players
Displays server usage inform­­ation
/tempban {Player} {Time}
Temporary bans a specified Player
/home {Playe­­r:­{­N­am­­eOf­­Home}}
Go to a Player's Home
/tppos {x} {y} {z}
Teleports you directly to a location
/tp {Player} {To-Pl­­ayer}
Teleport a Player to another Player
Hide yourself from other Players
List all jails
/jail {Player} {Time}
Sends a Player to a jail
/unjail {Player}
Unjail a Player
/mute {Player} {Time}
Mutes or un-mutes a specified Player
/invsee {Player}
See the inventory of other Players
/afk {Player}
Sets a Player's status to AFK
/clear­­in­v­e­ntory {Player}
Clear a Player's inventory
/eco give {Player} {Amount}
Gives the Player "­x" amount of money
/eco take {Player} {Amount}
Take "­x" amount of money away from the Player
/eco reset {Player}
Resets the player's balance to 0$
/ban {Player} {Reason}
Ban a specified Player
/banip {Player|IP Address} {Reason}
Ban a Player's IP
/unban {Player}
Unbans a Player
/unbanip {Player | IP Address}
Unbans a Player's IP
/setwarp {Name}
Defines a new warp location
/delwarp {Name}
Removes a warp location


/check <pa­ge>
To get a list of all open tickets
/check id <id>
To check out a certain modreq
/claim <id>
To claim a modreq
/tp-id <id>
To teleport to a modreq
/done <id> <me­ssage
To close a modreq
/re-open <id> <me­ssa­ge>
To re-open a modreq
/ticket setpending <id>
To set a ticket to pending
To reset the Database

WorldEdit Commands


Towny Commands

Shows Townyadmin Commands
/towny­admin delete {Player}
Deletes a player's towny data
/towny­admin town {TownName} delete
Delete a town
/towny­admin town {TownName} pawn
Spawn at a town's spawn
/towny­admin town {TownName} utpost {#}
Spawn at a town's outpost
/towny­admin nation {Natio­nName} delete
Delete a nation
/towny­admin set mayor {TownName} {Resident}
Set a resident as the mayor of the town
/towny­admin givebonus {TownName} {#}
Gives extra chunks to a town
/towny­admin unclaim
Unclaim an area


/co help
Display a list of commands
/co inspect
Toggle the inspector
/co rollback <pa­ram­s>
Rollback block data
/co restore <pa­ram­s>
Restore block data
/co lookup <pa­ram­s>
Advanced block data lookup
/co purge <pa­ram­s>
Delete old block data
Example <pa­ram­s>
u:<­use­r> t:<­tim­e> r:<­rad­ius> a:<­act­ion> b:<­blo­cks> e:<­exc­lud­e>
Specify a user to rollback
Specify the amount of time to rollback
Specify a radius
Restrict the lookup to a certain action
Restrict the rollback to certain block types
Exclude certain block types from the rollback
Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions.

WorldGuard Commands

/stopfire {World}
Stops fire spread instantly for your current world
/allowfire {World}
Disables the toggle status of /stopfire
Stops all intensive server processes
/stoplag -c
Disables the toggle status of /stoplag
/region claim {Regio­nName}
Claims a region
/region info {Regio­nName}
Lists inform­ation about a region
/region list
Lists of region
/region flag {NameO­fFlag} {None|­All­ow|­Deny}
Allows or denies specific behaviors. A flag list can be found at http:/­/wi­ki.s­k8­9q.c­om­/wi­ki/­Wor­ldG­uar­d/R­egi­ons­/Flags
/region delete {Regio­nName}
Removes a region
/region setparent {Regio­nName} {Parent Name}
Set a region's parent to another region
/region addowner {Regio­nName} {Player}
Add a owner to an existing region
/region addmember {Regio­nName} {Player}
Add a member to an existing region
/region setpri­ority {Regio­nName} {#}
Set priorites of a region to override and join another region's flags

Holograms Commands

/hd create {Holog­ram­Name}
Creates a new hologram with the given name at your location
/hd delete {Holog­ram­Name}
Deletes a hologram
/hd near {radius}
Lists all the near holograms in the given radius
/hd teleport {Holog­ram­Name}
Teleports you to the hologram
/hd align {x|y|z|xz} {Holog­ram­ToA­lign} {Refer­enc­eHo­logram}
Aligns the first hologram to the second in the given axis
/hd movehere {Holog­ram­Name}
Moves a hologram to your feet
/hd edit {Holog­ram­Name}
Shows the command to modify an existing hologram
/hd addline {Holog­ram­Name} {Text}
Adds a line of text to a hologram. Use {empty} as text to make an empty line
/hd removeline {Holog­ram­Name} {Number}
Removes the {number} line (from top to bottom)
/hd setline {Holog­ram­Name} {Number} {NewText}
Changes the {number} line (from top to bottom). Use {empty} as NewText to make an empty line
/hd insertline {Holog­ram­Name} {Number} {Text}
Inserts a line after the {number} line (from top to bottom). If 0, it will be added before the first line. Use {empty} as text to make an empty line
/hd info {Holog­ram­Name}
Prints the content of a hologram with line numbers.

LWC Commands

/lwc admin view
View a protec­­tion's owner
/lwc admin find
View all protection created by a player
/lwc admin forceowner {Player}
Change the owner of a protection
/lwc admin remove
Remove a protection
/lwc admin purge {Player}
Remove all protection by a player