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Segmental Joint restrictions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Presentation, Management etc

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Facet Joint dysfun­ction by altered joint alignment, motion or physio­logical function
- Non-ra­dicular discomfort
- Mechanical and Reflexive
- Mechan­ical: outside force acting on a segment; brief trauma­/ex­tended period of overuse
- Reflexive: Sustained visceral nocice­ptive irritation triggers muscle guarding - altered joint mechanics
- Can be caused by psycho­logical and emotional factors
- Hypomo­bility can cause increased local nocice­ptive activity & decreased mechan­ore­ceptive input
- Hypomo­bility - inflam­mation, muscular hypert­onicity (Hilton's law) and imbalance
Hilton's law states that the nerve supplying the muscle extending directly across and acting at a given joint not only supplies the muscle, but also innervates tthe skin overlying the muscle

Demogr­aphics (LBP)

- Up to 80% of the population will experience LBP
- Single most common cause of disability in workers <40 yo
- Between 45-60 yo
- Equal in males and females
- Higher in whites

Risk factors (LBP)

- Hx of LBP
- Age
- Physical Activity
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Narcotic use
- Heavy manual labour
- Repetitive bending
- Twisting and lifting
- Static postures
- Short sleep duration
- Exposure to whole body vibration
- Psycho­soc­ial­/ps­ych­olo­gical factors: Stress, anxiety, depres­sion, dissat­isf­action with job, low educat­ional status
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Negative attitu­de/fear avoidance behaviours


- Subacute unilateral LBP
- Can radiate into butt/thigh - NO SYMPTOMS DISTAL TO THE KNEE
- Aggravated by static loading of the spine (prolonged sittin­g/s­tan­ding), long lever activities (vacuu­min­g/w­orking with arms extended away from body), overhead working (end range spinal loading), prolonged flexion
- Relieved by light activity - walkin­g/c­ons­tantly changing position, lying down
- ROM discomfort upon extension, diminished lateral flexion
- Hamstring hypert­onicity
- Diminished lumbar lordosis
- +Ve Mcgills, +ve Kemps, +ve Yeomans
- Gluteal + abdominal muscle weakness
- Hypert­onicity of thorac­olumbar erectors, rectus femori­s,i­lip­soas, TFL
- Assess for foot hyperp­ron­ation
- Neurol­ogical testing unrema­rkable (Check for Cauda equina in LBP)


- Only if red flags are present
- Hx of cancer
- Unexpl­ained recent weight loss
- Bone disease
- Systemic Disease
- Inflam­matory Arthro­pathy
- Steroid use
- Immune suppre­ssion
- Fever
- Nocturnal pain
- Prior lx surgery
- Suspected congenital defect­/in­sta­bility
- Severe, prolonged pain unaffected by position
- MRI only for patients with radicular complaints (epidural steroid inject­ions), major trauma, severe neurol­ogica compro­mise, suspicions of vertebral infection


- Can co-exist with other mechanical conditions of the spine
- Disc lesions
- Degene­ration
- Stenosis
- Myofascial pain
- Spondy­lolysis
- Spondy­lol­ist­hesis
- Sprain­/strain
- Disc lesion
- F#
- Compre­ssion f#
- Stenosis
- Neoplasm
- Infection
- SIJ dysfun­ction
- Hip pathol­ogy/OA
- Referred pain - GU, GI
- Inflam­matory Arthro­pathy


- 60% recover in 6 weeks
- 75% recover within 3 months
- 2/3rd will experience a recurrence within one year
- SMT (Chemo­tactic cytokine production levels improve following SMT) - 12 visits over 6 weeks) of spine, pelvic
- If instab­ility - spinal stabil­isation over SMT
- Heat/Ice
- Myofascial release of Lx erectors, QL, hip flexors, hip rotators, gluteals, pirifo­rmis, hamstr­ings, iliolumbar ligament
- Flexab­ility exercises - knee to chest stretch, hamstring stretch, psoas stretch, ext/flex biased exercises
- Stability exercises - side bridge, bird dog, dead bug, hip abductor streng­thening
- Postural correction
- Breathing exercises
- Lifestyle modifi­cation - lfting mechanics, work activi­ties, sleep positions, shoe wear
- Limitation on prolonged sittin­g/s­tanding
- Encourage yoga/t­aichi
- Dietary counse­lling
- Unresp­onsive - consider viscer­oso­matic referral

Criteria for success of SMT

- Pain <16 days
- No symptoms distal to the knee
- Low fear avoidance (FABQ score <19)
- Hip internal rotator >35 degrees
- Hypomo­bility of a least one lx segement
- First two factors more sigificant