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Scoliosis Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Scoliosis, Rx, Hx PE

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Congen­ital: VB malfor­mation at birth
Secondary: Another disorder (spinal muscular dystrophy)
Idiopa­thic: Cause not known - multiple factors - sometimes genetic (children born to older mothers)
0-5 years of age: Congenital
6-12 years of age: Early onset scoliosis
13-18 years of age: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Congen­ital: Includes infantile idiopathic scoliosis - develops within first 2 years - more common in boys - left tx curve, 75% resolve
Early onset: Mimics adolescent version - more common in females - right tx curve high degree of progre­ssion - Neural axis abnorm­alities (Chiari)
Adolescent idiopa­thic: Most common - insidious - chance of progre­ssion increases in relation to the curve (large) and decreases in proportion to skeletal maturity (skeletal mature patients) and double­/mu­ltiple curves

Risse's sign

Above X-ray showing someone that still is not skeletally mature <14-17 years old in women and <18-22 in men

Cobb's Angle

Progre­ssion factor = (Cobb angle - (3x Risser sign)/­Pat­ient's age)


- Parents notice deformity of their child and get worried - child often has problems with their bodily image
- Only few present with back pain (some have underlying causes)
- Triples chance of back pain in adulthood
- High angle Tx curves (>50o) may impair respir­atory function and curves >90o can lead to cardio­res­pir­atory failure
- Make note of curvature, angle of curve, rib humps, scapula protrusion (right tx most common­-right shoulder higher and rotated anterior with right scapula winging)
- Ask about clue in skeletal maturity and family links
- Palpate - hamstr­ings, psoas,­par­asp­inals
Adam's forward bending: differ­ent­iates structural from functi­onal, Structural the rib hump stays, functional it disappears when flexing forward
- LL discre­pency
- Neuro of LL and UL
- Vitamin D deficiency can cause scoliosis (screen)


Cobb angle >10o and axial rotation of vertebral bodies
Radiog­raphs should be performed yearly in Rissers stage 0-3 and every 18 months in stage 4-5. (P-A views to reduce leukemia, GI, lung and breast cancers)
Early onset should be monitored every six months
MRI to check for chiari and neural axis


- Stop curve progre­ssion
- Manipu­lation and myofascial release, bracing
- EMT of SI joints
- Core stability exercises and SEAS
- Bracing (curves between 30 and 40 o in patients who are still growing
- <0.3% of all scoliosis cases require surgical correction