Anterior compartment of Leg
Consists of: |
- Tibialis anterior |
- Extensor digitorum longus |
- Extensor hallucis longus |
- Fibularis Tertius |
Tibialis anterior
Origin: Upper 1/2 or 2/3 of the lateral surface of the tibia and adjacent interosseous membrane
Insertion: Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal bone of the foot
NS: Deep fibular nerve (L5)
Action: Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
Tibialis anterior TrPs
- Weakness of dorsiflexion when walking common with Trps
- Active during upright stance - controls excessive sway
-Can be associated with fibularis longus and calf trps/tension
- Anterior compartment syndrome
Fibularis Tertius - TrPs
- Can overlap with soleus TrPs (Soleus TrPs include the entire achilles tendon and bottom of the heel)
Fibularis Tertius
Origin: Distal anterior surface of fibula , interosseous membrane
Insertion: Dorsal surface of metatarsal 5
NS: Deep fibular nerve L5-S1
Action: Dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus - TrPs
Extensor Hallucis Longus - palpation
- Ask to extend first toe
- Feel tendon/muscle belly between extensor digitorum and tibialis anterior tendons
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin: Middle portion of the fibula on anterior surface and the interosseous membrane
Insertion: Dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the big toe
NS: Deep fibular nerve, deep peroneal nerve (L5 - can be L4-S1)
Action: Extends big toe and assists in dorsiflexion of the foot -weak evertor/invertor
Extensor Digitorum Longus TrPs
- Can press on the deep fibular nerve
Extensor Digitorum Longus - Palpation
- Ask to extend toes
- Follow tendons into the muscle belly, between the tibialis anterior and peroneals
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Anterior lateral condyle of tibia, anterior shaft of fibula and superior 3/4 of interosseus membrane
Insertion: Dorsal surface, middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits
NS: Deep fibular nerve L5-S1
Action: Extends first 4 toes, dorsiflexion of ankle (works with tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis tertius)
Tibialis anterior - Palpation
- Lateral to the shaft of the tibia
- Get patient to dorsiflex and follow to the medial cuneform (at medial side of foot)
Plantaris TrPs
- Rupture of this muscle can mimic DVT on MRI and baker's cyst
Plantaris Palpation
- Prone with knee flexed
- Place finger medially, inbetween heads of gastroc
- Feel for oblique angle of the fibres and belly
- Strum thumb acrosss
Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
Insertion: Tendo calcaneus (medial side, deep to gastrocnemius tendon)
NS: Tibial Nerve anterior rami S1-S2
Action: Plantar flexes foot and flexes knee
Soleus - TrPs
- Can refer pain to ipsilateral SI joint
- Can be linked to LBP due to limiting dorsiflexion - improper lifting
- Can be linked to growing pains in children
- Satellite TrPs from posterior fibres of gluteus minis
- Check quads if patient complains of knee pain
Origin: Fibula, medial border of tibia
Insertion: Tendo calcaneus
NS: Tibial nerve, L5-S2
Action: Plantarflexion
Gastrocnemius - TrPs
- Can be associated with nocturnal cramps - manipulative lesions at tibiofibular joint
- TrPs activated when climbing steep slope, jogging uphill, riding a bike
- Tight high socks, high heels can cause TrPs
Gastrocnemius - Palpation
- Standing
- Get patient to tip toe position
- Locate tibial shaft and move laterally off
- Get patient to lie supine and feel laterally
- On prone , flex patient's leg to 90 degrees with foot flexed at 90 degrees, feel the muscle
Fibularis Brevis - Palpation
- Same as Fibularis Longus, feel tendon down to 5th metatarsal |
Fibularis Brevis
Origin: Lower 2/3 of lateral fibula
Insertion: 5th metatarsal
NS: Superficial fibular nerve (L5-S1)
Action: Plantarflexion, eversion
Fibularis Longus - TrPs
- Can entrap common fibular nerve
- inversion sprains can cause Trps in this muscle
- Feeling of weak ankles
- TrPs in glut minimus can cause satellite TrPs in this muscle
- 2ndary TrPs in EDL can cause TrPs in this muscle
- Can be caused by immobilisation, morton's foot, LL leg length ineuqlity, sleeping with the foot plantarflexed and wearing high heeled shoes
Fibularis Longus - palpation
- Place finger at head of fibula and lateral malleous , peroneals are in a straight line down from those two points
- Evert patient's foot and feel muscle tendon and belly
Fibularis Longus
Origin: Proximal part of lateral surface of the shaft of tibia
Insertion: 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
NS: Superficial fibular nerve L5-S1
Action: Plantarflexion, eversion, supports the arches
Lateral and Superficial posterior compartment
Consists of: |
- Fibularis longus |
- Fibularis brevis |
- Gastrosoleus |
- Plantaris |
Origin: Proximal to articular surfaces of lateral condyle of femur and medial condyle of femur
Insertion: Tendo calcaneus into mid-posterior calcaneus
NS: Tibial nerve from sciatic (S1-S2)
Action: Plantar flexes foot (tip toes), flexes knee
tibialis posterior dysfunction
1. Tendon length normal with minimal pain and dysfunction
2. Tendon elongated, hindfoot mobile with medial foot pain during and after weightbearing, dysfunction of the tendon and manipulable lesions within the foot bones
3. Tendon elongated, hindfoot deformation and stiffness, lateral foot pain and marked eversion of the foot when weight bearing
Tibialis Posterior - TrPs
- Aggravated by running on uneven ground
- Too many toes sign
- TrPs with morton's foot, TrPs in FHL and FDL
Tibialis Posterior
Origin: Tibia and fibula
Insertion: Navicular and medial cuneiform
NS: Tibial Nerve L4-L5
Action: Inversion of foot and plantar flexion of the foot
Flexor Hallicis Longus - TrPs
All flexors- Palpation
- Tom Dick and Harry - tarsal tunnel
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Origin: Fibula, posterior aspect of middle 1/3
Insertion: Plantar surface , base of distal phalanx of hallux
NS: Tibial Nerve (S2 and S3)
Action: Flexes all joints of big toe, plantar flexion of the ankle joint
Flexor Digitorum Longus - TrPs
- FDL stabilises foot - pt complains of pain when walking
- Can be misdiagnosed as tarsal tunnel syndrome
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Posterior surface of the body of the tibia
Insertion: Plantar surface , base of distal phalanges of the four lesser toes
NS: Tibial nerve L5-S2
Action: Flexion of the four smaller digits
Popliteus - TrPs
- Exacerbating by crouching, walking and running, extending the knee
- Knee has a slight loss of ext
Popliteus - Palpation
- Pt prone with knee flexed
- Locate tibial tuberosity and slide medial to the posterior surface of the shaft
- Push gastrosoleus to the sid
- Not always palpable
Origin: Lateral femoral condyle
Insertion: Posterior surface of tibia
NS: Tibial nerve L4-S1
Action: Medially rotates tibia on the femur if the femur is fixed (sitting down), rotates femur on tibia if tibia is fixed (standing up), unlocks the knee to allow flexion, helps to prevent forward displacement of the femur during crouching
Deep posterior compartment of leg
Consists of: |
- Popliteus |
- Tibialis Posterior |
- Flexor Digitorum longus |
- Flexor Hallicus longus |