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Brain Stem Lesions (BSL) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Brain stem lesions (BSL) + presentation

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Causes of BSL

Vascular syndromes
Arterial occlusion , Arterial haemor­rhage
Posterior fossa tumours
Can affect any age group - primary children + elderly - mets from lung, breast, skin
MLF, trigem­inal, glosso­pha­ryngeal
Metabolic BS dysfun­ction
Sensitive to drugs/­toxins due to high metabolism
Vascular = focal area damage in vascular territory
If lesion presents patchy­/bi­lat­erally, vascular lesion is LESS likely

Comparison of tumour to vascular lesions

Focal, defined in a vascular territory
Focal, defined not in a vascular territory - patchy­/bi­lateral presen­tation
insidious & gradual
Does not usually progress unless secondary compli­cations
Gradual + progre­ssive - worsen­ing­/in­crease in symptoms over time
"­On/­off­" symptoms - you either have it or you don't
Consta­nt/­comes and goes


Nuclear CN deficits + limb weakne­ss/­sensory deficity
CN deficits ipsila­teral to BSL - limb weakne­ss/­sensory deficits contra­lateral
Cerebellar deficits - ipsila­teral to BSL
5Ds, And 3Ns
Diplopia, Dizziness, Dysart­hria, Dysphagia, Drop Attacks
Numbness, Nausea, Nystagmus