Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Basic Usage
:CtrlP or :CtrlP [starting-directory] to invoke CtrlP in find file mode.
:CtrlPBuffer or :CtrlPMRU to start CtrlP in find buffer or find MRU file mode.
:CtrlPMixed to search in Files, Buffers and MRU files at the same time.
:help ctrlp-commands and :help ctrlp-extensions for other commands.
Once CtrlP is Open
<F5> to purge the cache for the current directory to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options.
<C-f> and <C-b> to cycle between modes.
<C-d> to switch to filename search instead of full path.
<C-r> to switch to regexp mode.
<C-j>, <C-k> or the arrow keys to navigate the result.
<C-t> or <C-v>, <C-x> to open the selected entry in a new tab or in a new split.
<C-n>, <C-p> to select the next/previous string in the prompt's history.
<C-y> to create a new file and its parent directories.
<C-z> to mark/unmark multiple files and <C-o> to open them.
.. to go up the directory tree by one or multiple levels.
End the input string with a colon : followed by a command to execute it on the opening file(s): Use :25 to jump to line 25. Use :diffthis when opening multiple files to run :diffthis on the first 4 files.
Run :help ctrlp-mappings or submit ? in CtrlP for more mapping help.