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Managing Users

Can edit ALL admin settings, create new Groups, Locations, Status Labels, etc, and is NOT constr­ained by Company scoping when Full Company Support is enabled.
Can NOT access Admin Settings, and is constr­ained by Company scoping when Full Company Support is enabled, but can perform all functions (create, edit, delete, etc) for all other aspects of the app.
Can NOT access Admin Settings. All other privileges are granted on a group-­level or individual level.

Checking Out Assets

1. Scan QR Code
2. Login to account on the Snipe-IT webpage
3. View the details of the asset to make sure it is correct
4. Select the user to check the asset out to
5. Select a check out and check in date for the asset to be returned
6. Hit the checkout button

Checking In Assets

1. Scan QR Code
2. Login to account on the Snipe-IT webpage
3. View the details of the asset to make sure it is correct
4. Mark down any notes about the asset (condition that it is in)
5. Check-in the asset

Managing Access­ories

Access­ories include pointers, keyboards, adapters, cables, etc.
Access­ories do not have QR codes and are in plastic Ziploc bags.
Access­ories still need to be checked out to users and checked back in.

Status Labels

Ready to deploy
Asset is good and ready to be checked out
Waiting to be Cleaned
Asset is waiting to be cleaned and hargrove wiped
Asset is currently checked out to another user


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