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Agile Development Buzz words Cheat Sheet by

The top 40 Buzz words of agile at your hands + Some more Stuff =)


An iterative and collab­orative approach to project management and software develo­pment.
A priori­tized list of tasks, user stories, and features yet to be completed
Burndown Chart
A visual repres­ent­ation of the progress made by the team in completing tasks over time
Burnup Chart
A visual repres­ent­ation of the total work completed (scope) and the work remaining over time.
Agile Manifesto
A set of four values and twelve principles that define the Agile approach to software develo­pment.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The minimum set of features required to deliver value to customers.
Agile Transf­orm­ation
The process of transi­tioning an organi­zation from a tradit­ional, waterfall approach to Agile practices.
Agile Project Management
An approach that combines Agile principles with tradit­ional project management practices.
Cross-­fun­ctional Team
A team composed of indivi­duals with different skills and expertise needed to deliver a product.

Frameworks & Setups

An Agile framework that focuses on delivering value through small, self-o­rga­nizing teams.
An Agile method that focuses on visual­izing work, limiting work in progress, and maximizing flow
A set of principles and practices that aim to minimize waste, maximize value, and improve efficiency
A set of practices that combines software develo­pment (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to streamline the delivery process.
Lean Startup
An approach that applies Lean principles to the develo­pment of new products, focusing on rapid experi­men­tation and validated learning.
Scrum of Scrums
A meeting where repres­ent­atives from multiple Scrum teams come together to coordinate their work.
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
A compre­hensive framework that provides organi­zations with a structured approach to scaling Agile practices across multiple teams, enabling efficient collab­ora­tion, alignment, and delivery of large-­scale projects or products.
The Large-­Scale Scrum (LeSS)
A lightw­eight, princi­ple­s-based approach to scaling Agile, designed to enable organi­zations to scale up their Agile practices while mainta­ining simpli­city, transp­arency, and a focus on delivering value to customers.
A scaled Agile framework that provides guidance for organi­zations to effect­ively scale Scrum across multiple teams, emphas­izing collab­ora­tion, integr­ation, and continuous improv­ement to ensure successful delivery of complex products or solutions.
A framework developed by Jeff Suther­land, the co-creator of Scrum, that enables organi­zations to scale the Scrum framework across multiple teams, depart­ments, and even entire enterp­rises, fostering collab­ora­tion, adapta­bility, and effective delivery of value at scale.
OKRs (Objec­tives and Key Results)
A goal-s­etting framework that helps organi­zations align their efforts and track progress by defining clear objectives and measurable key results.


Product Owner
The person respon­sible for defining and priori­tizing the product backlog.
Scrum Master
The facili­tator of the Agile process who helps the team stay on track and resolve any issues.
Agile Coach
Coach: An experi­enced Agile practi­tioner who guides and supports teams in adopting Agile practices and princi­ples.
Flow Manager / Service Delivery Manager
The role respon­sible for overseeing the end-to-end delivery of services or products using the Kanban method­ology, ensuring customer satisf­action and alignment with organi­zat­ional goals
Service Request Manager
Is respon­sible for receiving, priori­tizing, and managing incoming service requests, ensuring timely resolution and customer satisf­action while adhering to the Kanban principles and practices.
Release Train Engineer (RTE)
Plays a critical role in facili­tating the coordi­nation and alignment of multiple Agile teams within a release train, ensuring smooth execution, timely delivery, and effective commun­ication across all levels of the organi­zation.
Chief Product Owner (CPO)
Is the senior­-level role respon­sible for defining the strategic direction and vision of the product, overseeing multiple product owners, and ensuring alignment between the product roadmap, business goals, and customer needs.

Events & Meetings

Scrum: Sprint
A time-boxed period (usually 1-4 weeks) where a team works to complete a set of tasks.
Scrum: Daily Stand-up / Daily Scrum /
A short, daily meeting where team members discuss progress, challe­nges, and plans for the day.
Scrum: Retros­pective
A meeting held at the end of each sprint to review what went well, what didn't, and how to improve.
Scrum: Sprint planning
A collab­orative meeting where the Agile team determines which user stories will be worked on during the upcoming sprint and defines a plan to accomplish them.
Scrum: Sprint review
A meeting at the end of each sprint where the Agile team showcases the completed work to stakeh­olders, receives feedback, and discusses any changes or next steps.
Kanban: Commitment meeting
A collab­orative session where the team establ­ishes and agrees upon the amount and type of work they will commit to completing within a specific timeframe, based on their capacity and available resources.
Kanban: Kanban Meeting
A regular gathering where the team discusses the progress of work, identifies any potential bottle­necks, and makes adjust­ments to optimize the flow of tasks on the Kanban board.

Agile practices

Test-d­riven Develo­pment (TDD):
A develo­pment approach where tests are written before the code is implem­ented.
Pair Progra­mming
A practice where two developers work together on the same code, sharing a single workst­ation.
Agile Estimation
The process of estimating the effort required to complete a task or user story.
Continuous Delivery
The practice of contin­uously deploying software changes to production in a safe and sustai­nable manner.
Continuous Integr­ation
The practice of frequently integr­ating code changes into a shared repository to avoid conflicts.
Continuous Improv­ement
The ongoing effort to identify and implement changes that result in better processes, products, and outcomes.
Veloci­ty-­based Planning
A planning approach that takes into account the team's historical velocity to forecast future work.
Agile Release Planning
The process of identi­fying and priori­tizing features for upcoming releases or iterat­ions.
Increm­ental Delivery
The practice of delivering a working product increment to stakeh­olders at regular intervals.

Work Item related

A large, high-level user story that is too big to be completed within a single sprint.
User Story
A brief, high-level descri­ption of a desired feature or functi­onality from the user's perspe­ctive.
Acceptance Criteria
The specific conditions that a user story must meet to be considered complete.
Definition of Done (DoD)
A set of criteria that must be met for a product increment or user story to be considered complete.
Definition of Ready (DoR)
The criteria that a user story must meet before it can be considered ready for develo­pment.
Retros­pective Action Items
Specific action items identified in the retros­pective to address areas for improv­ement.


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