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biology Btec unit 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

biology btec science all of unit one

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

key words

membrane bound - surrounded by a membrane
linear - the ends of the DNA molecule is in a chromosome
nucleus - the organelle that contains the cell DNA and the control center of the cell
cytoplasm - where metabolic reactions take place
cell wall - protects and supports each cell and the whole plant
lysosomes - the organelle that digests food particles, wastes, cell parts, and foreign invaders
golgi vesicle - respon­sible for transp­orting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles to be transp­orted where needed
rough ER - has ribosomes attached; it synthe­sises and transports proteins
smooth ER - flattened cavities surrounded by a thin membrane which do not have anything attached. These synthesise carboh­ydrates and lipids
cell membrane - separates the interior of the cell from the outside enviro­nment
mitoch­ondrion - the organelle that breaks down food molecules to make ATP
golgi apparatus - here newly made proteins are modified and then packaged into vesicles
nucleolus - dense spherical structure inside the nucleus that produces ribosomes and RNA
centriole - take part in cell division
ribosome - the organelle in which amino acids are hooked together to make proteins
chloro­plast - the organelle that uses the energy of sunlight to make food
endopl­asmic reticulum - the organelle that makes lipids, breaks down drugs and other substa­nces, and packages proteins for golgi complex
golgi complex - the organelle that processes and transports proteins and other materials out of the cell
large central vacuole - the organelle that stores water and other materials
pits - all water to enter and leave the xylem vessels
vacuole - maintains turgor to ensure a rigid frame work in the cell
vesicle - these transport materials around the cell or out the cell

cell theory

all living things are composed of cells products
new cells are formed only by the division of pre-ex­isting cells
the cell contains inherited inform­ation (genes), which is used as instru­ctions for growth, functi­oning and develo­pment
the is the functi­oning unit of life; the metabolic reactions of life take place within the cells

Magnif­ication equation triangle

Image size (I)= actual size (A) x magnif­ication (M)
Actual size (A) = image size (I) / magnif­ication (M)
Magnif­ication (M) = image size (I) / actual size (A)

bacteria cells

bacteria cells like many other animals and plants, produce and secrete toxins that have an effect on other organisms
DNA is free in the cytoplasm of a prokar­yotic cell in the area called the nucleoid
A section of DNA containing a genetic code for a metabole unwinds and hydrogen bonds break.
RNA nucleo­tides line up (compl­eme­ntary base pairing). Messenger RNA is formed. This process is known an transc­rip­tion.
The next process is the production of the bacterial protein. This is called transl­ation and it occurs at the ribosomes.
Transc­ription and transl­ation can occur simult­ane­ously because the genetic material is free in the nucleoid surrounded by ribosomes.
The newly made protein toxin is moved to the surface membrane ready to be secreted to cause infection.

red blood cells

Red blood cells or erythr­ocytes are a biconcave shape. This increases the surface area to volume ratio of an erythr­ocyte. They are flexible so that they can squeeze through narrow blood capill­aries. Their function is to transport oxygen around the body. In mammals, erythr­ocytes do not have a nucleus or other organe­lles. This increases space for the haemog­lobin molecules inside the cell that carry oxygen.

eukaryotic and prokar­yotic

eukaryotic cells make up multic­ellular cellular organisms such as plants and animals. they are complex cells with a nucleus and membra­ne-­bound organelles
prokar­yotic cells are single celled organisms. they are simple structures and do not have a nucleus or any membra­ne-­bound organelles
plants and animals

Light microscopy vs electron microscopy

light microscopy
electron microscopy
Light micros­copes use visible light and magnifying lenses to observe small objects
They use a beam of electrons in a vacuum with a wavelength less than 1nm to visualise the specimen.
Positives: can observe sub-ce­llular structures
Positive: x500000 magnif­ica­tion, high resolution (0.1nm) electron microg­raphs produced.
Limita­tions: lower magnif­ication (x500) and resolution (x200nm)
Limita­tions: destroy the sample.

egg cells

Egg cells, or ova, are the female gametes in animals. An egg cell is one of the largest cells in the human body, and is approx­imately 0.12 mm in diameter. It contains a nucleus which houses the genetic material. The zona pellucida is the outer protective layer/­mem­brane of the egg. Attached to this is the corona radiata, which consists of two or three layers. Its function is to supply proteins needed by the fertilised egg cell.

white blood cells

Neutro­phils are a type of white blood cell and they play an important role in the immune system. They have multi-­lobed nuclei, which enables them to squeeze though small gaps when travelling to the site of infection. The cytoplasm holds lysosomes that contain enzymes that are used to digest pathogens that are ingested by the neutro­phil.

root hair cell

These cells are found at a plants roots, near the growing tip. They have long hair like extensions called root hairs. The root hairs increase the surfae area of the cell o maximise the movement of water and minerals from he soil into the plant root

key functions of a cell

one of the key functions of a cell is to synthesise proteins for use inside the cell, to lead to cell multip­lic­ation and for secretion out of the cell for example, insulin
proteins are synthe­sised on ribosomes attached to rough endopl­asmic reticulum
the newly synthe­sised proteins are transp­orted through the cisternae of the rough ER and packaged into vesicles
they are transp­orted to the golgi apparatus, where vesicles fuse with the surface of the golgi apparatus and the apparatus enter
it is here that the newly synthe­sised proteins are modified and then packaged into vesicles. secretory vesicles will transport proteins that are to be released from the cell to the cell surface membrane
they will fuse with the membrane and release the protein by exocytosis

gram staining

gram positive
gram negative
if you see a purple stain when observing the smar under a microscope it shows that gram-p­ositive bacteria are present
if the smear has retained the pink safranin stain, this shows that gram-n­egative bacteria are present. this is because their thinner cell walls and lipid membranes allow ethanol (applied during the method) to wash off all the crystal violet purple stain and to then retain the pink safranin stain
doesn' have an outer membra
has an outer membrane
Positive Purple

squamous epithelial tissue


sperm cell

sperm cells are male gametes in animals. They have a tall like structure called a a unduli­­podium so hey can move. They also contain many mitoch­­ondria to supply the energy needed for his movement. The sperm head is 3 μm wide and 4 μm long. it is made up of an acrosome, which contains digestive enzymes . These enzymes are released when the sperm meets the egg, to digest the protective layer and allow the sperm to penetrate. The sperm’s function is to deliver genetic inform­­ation to the egg cell or ovum (female gamete). This is fertil­­is­ation

Time line about the cell

Robert Hooke first described a cell
Anton Van Leeuwe­nhoek was the person who observed bacteria and protoc­tists
1674 - 1683
The first living cell was observed protoc­tists from pond water samples, after developing powerful glass lenses
The nucleus is observed
Robert Brown an English botanist was the first to observe and describe the nucleus in a plant cell
1674 - 1683
Universal cell theory
Matthias Schleiden suggests that all plant material is composed of cells. Jan Purkyne observed that animal tissue is composed of cells and the structure is similar to plant tissue. The scientist credited for the universal cell theory is Theodore Schwann, a German physio­logist. He proposed that ‘all living things are made of cells’.
Evidence of the origin of the new cell
Robert Remak observed cell division in animal cells. His findings were not accepted at the time, but in 1855 Rudolf Virchow published the findings as his own to show new cells form from existing ones
Sponta­neous generation disproved
Louis Pasteur demons­trated that bacteria will only grow sterile nutrient broth after it has been exposed to air. This disproved the theory of sponta­neous generation of cells.