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Antivirals Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Anti-DNA viruses: Polymerase inhibi­tors.

Nucleoside analogues with modified sugars.
1) Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Synthetic analog of deoxgu­anosine with an acyclic sugar part.
Prodrug activated into tripho­sphate becoming a compet­itive inhibitor to viral DNA polymerase.
Widely effective even to Herpes virus.
2) Famcic­lovir
Prodrug with enhanced bioava­ila­bility.
Approved for herpes simplex & herpes zoster.
Interfere with viral nucleic acid replic­ation.

Anti-DNA viruses: Polymerase inhibi­tors.

Nucleoside analogues with hetero­cyclic basic moiety.
1) Ribavirin
Prodrug, broad spectrum (against DNA & RNA viruses)
Phosph­ory­lated by kinases into tripho­spa­te-­-> inhibits viral specific RNA, mRNA--> No nucleic acid synthesis.
Less selective than acyclovir.

Anti-DNA viruses: transl­ation inhibi­tors.

1) Interferon alfa
Cellular glycop­rot­eins. Broad spectrum antivirals and immuno­mod­ula­tory.
MOA: bind to specific cell-s­urface receptors on infected cells, inhibiting transc­ription and transl­ation.
Tested for DNA virus infections and RNA HCV.

Anti-r­ete­rov­iru­ses­/An­ti-HIV agents

Nucleoside RT inhibitor
Zidovudine (ZDV, retrivir)
Struct­urally related to deoxyt­hym­idine.
Prodrug activa­ted­/co­nverted by cellular thymidine kinase into 5' tripho­sphate.
MOA: Direct RT inhibition & prevetns DNA chain elongation by attach­ment.

Anti-r­ete­rov­iru­ses­/An­ti-HIV agents

Non-nu­cle­oside RT inhibitors
Nevirapine (dipyr­ido­-di­azepine deriv.)
MOA: binds to (hydro­phobic) allosteric site on RT enzyme, thus disrupting the activity of the active site.

Anti-r­ete­rov­iru­ses­/An­ti-HIV agents

HIV protease inhibi­tors.
MOA: by HIV protease inhibition 1) prevents post-t­ran­slation processing 2) releases immature viral particles.

Anti-r­ete­rov­iru­ses­/An­ti-HIV agents

HCV RNA-de­pendent RNA-po­lym­erase inhibitor (NS5B inhibitor)
Sofosbuvir (sovaldi)
Prodrug for HCV ttt (12 weeks)
MOA: activated in liver into tripho­spahte then inhibits NS5B protein RNA-dep. RNA polymerase which affects viral replic­ation.

Anti-i­nfl­uenza agents

Inhibitors of virus attach­ment, penetr­ation & uncoating.
Neuroa­min­idase inhibi­tors.
Amantadine & Rimant­adine
Oselta­mivir (Tamiflu)
MOA: Inhibits penetr­ation of viral particles and uncoating of the genetic material.
Prodrug activated in liver; usually a phosphate salt.
For prophy­laxis & ttt of influenza A virus.
Inhibits the removal of sialic acid from the surface viral glycop­rotein enzyme, neuram­ini­dase. thus, decreases infective level of virus & improves viral inacti­vation by respir­atory mucus.
Tricyclic primary amines.
Prophy­laxis & ttt of inflenza.