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Antispetics & disinfectants Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

antiseptics and disinfectants

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Ethylene oxide (Oxirane)
70% solution for lipo-h­ydr­ophilic balance and max antiseptic effects.
Not safe: Carboxide (1:9 ratio of oxirane & CO2) is safe.
MOA: Alkylator of nucleic acid & proteins.
Aldehyde "­For­mal­in": Alkylator of MO proteins through carbinol formation.

Haloge­n-c­ont­aining compounds.

Iodine tincture
I- salts are added to solubilize iodine and decrease volatility (ex, potassium iodide).
Povidone iodine (Betadine)
Complex of polyvinyl pyrrol­idine + iodine; 9-12% of polymer is iodine.
Advant­ages: Non-ir­ritant, non-st­aining, non-toxic, non-vo­latile, water soluble.
MOA: Inacti­vation of proteins by Iodination (of double bonds/­aro­matic rings) or Thiol (SH) oxidation.

Mercury compounds

Nitrom­ersal; Thiomersal (Merth­iolate sodium)
MOA: Inactivate proteins and enzymes contiaing thiol (SH) group by a covalent compound of R-S-Hg-R formed.

Phenols & deriv.

1) Phenol
2) Resorcinol & resorcinol monoacetate
4) Hexach­lor­ophene
5) Anthralin
Used as phenolated calamine as anaest­hetic and antipr­uritic.
Resorcinol is weaker than phenol (lower PC) & resorcinol monoac­etate.
More active than phenol (SAR)
Used for ttt of psoriasis, alopecia, eczema.
3) P-chol­oro­-m-­xylenol & dichlo­ro-­m-x­ylenol
Not used now due to toxicity to babies nerves.
MOA: decreases epidermal DNA synthesis and mitosis.

Cationic surfac­tants

Benzal­konium chloride
Cetyl pyridinium chloride.
MOA: Cell lysis by interf­ering with enzymes of cell wall & membrane.
Advant­ages: Broad-­spe­ctrum, non-toxic, stable.
Disadv­ant­ages: Inacti­vated by anionic surfac­tants (like soap) and organic matter (pus), not sporic­idal.

Nitrof­urane deriv.

Topical antise­ptic.
GIT & diarrheal infections
ttt of UTI.
Identify struct­ures.

Oxidizing agents

Carbamide peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide
Urea + Hydrogen peroxide
30% water; safer.
Needs to get mixed with water to release H2O2.
Kerato­lytic agent in 5-10%
Anti-s­eptic & disinf­ectant.
For ttt of acne.
MOA: Protein denatu­ration through oxygen released (like H2O2) causing direct oxidant action.


Triphe­nyl­methane dye
Phenot­hiazine dyes
Gentia­n/c­rystal violet
Methylene blue
pH dependent activity; active in acid, inactive in base.
Has thionium ion (+ve sulfur)
Uses: ttt of tinea, Vaginal supp. for yeast infect., Oral anthel­mintic.
Weak antise­ptic.

Silver sulfad­iazine

Antiseptic & antiba­cterial used for wounds and burns.
Silver (Ag) has same MOA as mercury.