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Adrenergic drugs(ANS) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Medicinal chemistry....

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Alpha agonists

-Imida­zolines (Napha­zoline; Xylome­taz­oline)-
-a-methyl dopa-
Selective a1 agonis­t...VC
Safe nasal decong­estant (doesn't cross BBB)
Acts on brain a2 receptors to cause long-phase hypote­nsion
Becomes a-methyl NE and acts on a2 receptors to decrease release of NE from brain.
Used as nasal decong­estant, mydriatic
Centrally acting antihy­per­tensive agent
Sympat­holytic used as antihy­per­tensive agent.
Orally active.

B2 agonists

Not metabo­lized by COMT or MAO
Not metabo­lized by COMT
Resistant to COMT & MAO
Resistant to COMT & MAO
Its highly lipoph­ilic, which causes slow onset of action
Lipoph­ilic, but has a faster onset of action than salmeterol
Long-a­cting (t1/2=12 hrs)
All are bronch­odi­lators used for treatment of asthma.
Long acting b2 agonist should not be given as monoth­erapy.

B agonist

acts on B1 & B2 receptors.
B1: positive cardio­tropic side effect
B2: Bronch­odi­lation
As inhala­tion, injection or sublingual

Catech­ola­mines biosyn­thesis inhibitors

Metyrosine(a-methyl tyrosine)
Reserpine "Rawlfia alk."
Guanet­hidine & Guanadrel
Inhibits tyrosine hydrox­ylase
Inhibits neuronal reuptake of NE & Seretonin
Inhibit U2 of NE
Passes BBB
Don't pass BBB (due to high polarity)
Used for VD
Used for VD
Side effects:
1. Mental depression
no CNS side effects
2. Impotence
3. Breast cancer

SAR of direct acting sympat­hom­imetics

B-OH group: in NE & E makes the molecule chiral and thus, the (-)(R) enantiomer is the most potent due to attachment of the OH on 3 receotor binding sites instead of 2.
Phenolic OH
Resorcinol (such in metapr­ote­renol) increases B2 select­ivity and results in longer activity duration.
Replacing one phenolic OH with CH2OH results in albute­rol­/sa­lbu­tamol, which increases B2 select­ivity and longer action duration.
Removal of the para-OH, such as in phenyl­eph­rine, results in a1 agonist.
Essential for alpha receptor activity.
Bulky gp on N-atom results in decreased a-acti­vity.
alpha-­carbon substitution
Decreases direct receptor agonist activity, but increases a2 and B2 select­ivity if a-methyl gp.
Increases oral absorp­tion, duration and CNS activity.

Beta Blockers

-Propr­anolol arlyox­ypr­opanol amine - for treatment of HTN, angina and arryth­mia-but it is non-cardio selective (acts on B1 & B2)
-Timol­ol-­tre­atment to glaucoma
both may have SE bronch­o-c­ons­tri­ction due to non-se­lec­tivity.
Cardio selective BB (B1 blockers): Atenolol, Acebutolol

a1 antago­nists: Quinaz­olines

Structure has NH2 gp on quinaz­oline ring respon­sible for a1 receptor antago­nism.
Relaxes muscles of prostate.
Used for HTN and BPH.
Used for BPH, chronic prosta­titis, for passage of kidney stones.
a2 antago­nists are indole alkaloids.