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PHYS 183 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Introduction to Astrophysics

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Astron­omical unit: distance btwn sun & earth 149,59­7,8­70.7km Speed of light: 300,00­0km/s
Light year: 9,5x1012 km megapa­rsec: 3.26 mil ly or 3x1019 km
Local galactic group: our galaxy if part of a small cosmic village - local group which is part of a larger super galaxy cluster called Virgo Superc­luster
Each gal contains 100bil stars and there are about 100bil observable gals
Obserbable uni is a sphere centered on us (bc of how light reached us) with radius of 14bil years
Bigban­g→birth of first stars and gals (400 mil yrs)→r­ecy­cling of material through stars→­for­mation of other stars&pl­anets
Speed at equator: 1,670km/hr at lat30: 1,275km/hr at lat90: 0km/hr
Degree of ecliptic plane: 23 1/2 = reason for seasons
The sun is in motion, circling the center of milkyway tipped at angle of 60° about 2/3 from centre and wobbles up and down
Local galaxies move in random motion and can colllide due to gravit­ational pulls
Signature of expansion: the farther they are, the faster they are receding
Don't know if uni has edges or centres: raisin bread vs ballon model
Earth rotates (~1000­km/­h)→­earth orbits sun (100,0­00k­m/h­r)→­solar system moves relative to nearby stars (70,00­0km­/hr­)→m­ilkyway rotates once every 230 mil yrs (800,0­00k­m/h­r)→­galaxy moves relative to others in local group (300,0­00k­m/h­r)→uni expands at speed of light
On small scale, gravity is stronger, on large scale dark energy is stronger = expansion

Astronomy as Science

Modern scientific method has its roots in Greece
Used shadows in Alexandria in 240bc to measure circum­ference of earth: knew distance between two cities and used angle of shadow - angle/360 = distan­ce/­circum. of earth
400 BC: geocentric model of uni- thought space must be mathem­ati­cally perfect, sun&stars appeared to be moving around earth, no percep­tible motion of earth
Ptolomy's model: planets don't follow same path as stars, can have retrograde motion, cant be explained by geocentric model
This lead to Hipparchus multiple levels of epicycles (no longer perfect) which lead to copernican rev.
Nicholas Copern­icus: 1473-r­ein­tro­duced heloce­ntr­icm­odel, published book on his deathbed, his calcul­ations were wrong but he was right, rock on dude
Tycho Brahe: 1546- compiled 30 yrs of data improving astron­omical data, super accurate observ­ational astronomer
Johannes Kepler (my boy): 1571- fit mathem­atical models to Tycho's data, reform­ation of ellipitcal orbits (imper­fect)
3 Laws of planetary motion-1 planets orbit sun (in centre) in ellipitcal path 2- planet covers the same area of space in the same amount of time no matter where it is in its orbit-3 a planet's orbital period is propor­tional to the size of its orbit P2=a3 (p=time a=dist­ance) (semi-­major axis)
Planets move faster when closer to the sun, close in planets move faster
Galileo: 1564- first to experi­men­tally show newton's first law of motion (things in motion stay in motion), made observ­ations with telescope, showed milky was made of many stars and very far away (no parallax needed)
Stellar parallax: apparent shift of position (parallax) of any nearby star against the background of distant stars


Info from uni comes from light through emission, scattering and absorption
Also receive info in form of grav waves (2015) and neutrinos (1960s)