This cheat sheet is built with around 20 common Linux commands. Some commands include options.
File Commands
ls |
- list files in the directory |
ls -al |
- list long formatted files with hidden files |
cd |
- return to home directory |
pwd |
- display current working directory |
touch file |
- create or update file |
mkdir dir |
- create a new directory dir |
rm file |
- remove file |
nano file |
- edit the file using Nano's editor |
mv file1 file2/dir |
- rename file1 to file2 or move file1 to dir |
rmdir dir |
- remove empty directory dir |
rm -r dir |
- remove directory dir |
cp file1 file2 |
- copy file1 to file2 |
cp -r dir1 dir2 |
- copy directory dir1 to dir2 and create dir2 if it does not exist |
File Permissions
chmod file |
- change file permission |
chmod u-w file |
- remove the writable permission from file to user |
chmod 777 file |
- give read, write, execute permission to all |
Operator for chmod |
+ |
add the specified modes |
- |
Remove the specified modes from file or dir |
= |
Set the specified modes |
chown user:group file |
- change the ownership of file |
Users and Groups
groupadd group |
- add a new group |
useradd -g group nUser |
- add a new user to group |
usermod -g group eUser |
- add an existing user to group |
lid -g group |
- list all the users in the group |
All the above commands require superuser privileges.
ping host |
- ping host |
wget file |
- download file |
System Info
whoami |
- display the login username |
uname -a |
- display all the system information |
whereis app |
- show possible locations of app |
which app |
- shows the full path of the app |
df -h |
- show file system disk space usage with human-readable storage size |
du -d0 -h dir |
- display the directory space usage without displaying subdirectories |
Process Management
ps |
- display current active processes |
top |
- display all running processes |
kill pid |
- kill a process by ID |
killall procname |
- kill a process by a name |
tar -cvf file.tar files/dir |
- create a tar file to archive the files/dir and display the progress in the terminal. |
tar -xzvf file.tar.gz -C dir |
- extract a tar using Gzip to directory dir |
tar -czf file.gz file.tar |
- compress the file.tar to file.gz using Gzip |
gzip file |
- compress file and rename it to file.gz |
gzip -d file.gz |
- decompress file.gz back to file |
grep pattern files |
- search for pattern in files, * denotes all the files |
grep -r pattern dir |
- search for the pattern in dir |
grep -i pattern file |
- ignore the case and search for the pattern |
command | grep pattern |
- search for the pattern in the output of command |
locate file |
- find all instances of file by name |
A regular expression is used to describes a particular search pattern .
> file |
- output operator to overwrite the file |
>> file |
- append operator to append the text at the end of the file |
| |
- pipe operator to take the output from the preceding command to be the input of the following command |
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