Overview of statistical tests an when to use them
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
1 Dependent Variable & 0 IVs (1 Population)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
One-sample t-test |
tests if a sample mean differs sig. from a hypothesized value |
ordinal or interval |
One-sample median test |
tests if a sample median differs sig. from a hypothesized value |
categorial (2 categories) |
Binominal Test |
tests if the proportion of successes on a two-level categorial dependent variable differs sig. from a hypothesized value |
categorial |
Chi-square goodness-of-fit |
tests if the observed proportions for a categorial variable differ from hypothesized proportions |
1 DV & 1IV with 2 levels (independent groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
2 independent sample t-test |
compares the means of a normally distributed interval DV for two independent groups |
ordinal or interval |
Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test |
is a non-parametric analog to the independent samples t-test |
used, when you do not assume that the DV is a normally distributed interval variable |
categorial |
Chi-square test |
to see if there is a relationship between 2 categorial varibales |
assumes that each cell has an expected frequency of 5 or more |
categorial |
Fischer`s exact test |
same as Chi-square test, but can be used regardless of the expected frequency (expected frequency of 5 or less) |
1 DV & 1IV with 2 or more levels (indep. groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
One-Way ANOVA |
test for differences in the means of the DV broken down by the levels of the IV |
used when categorial IV (with one or more categories) an normally distributed interval DV |
ordinal or interval |
Kruskal Wallis test |
is non-parametric version of ANOVA and a generalized form of the Mann-Whitney test since it permits two or more groups |
categorial |
Chi-square test |
1 DV & 1IV with 2 or more levels (indep. groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
One-Way ANOVA |
test for differences in the means of the DV broken down by the levels of the IV |
used when categorial IV (with one or more categories) an normally distributed interval DV |
ordinal or interval |
Kruskal Wallis test |
is non-parametric version of ANOVA and a generalized form of the Mann-Whitney test since it permits two or more groups |
categorial |
Chi-square test |
1 DV & 1IV with 2 (dependent/matched groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
Paired t-test |
used when you have two related observations and want to see if the means on these two normally distributed interval variables differ from one another |
ordinal or interval |
Wilcoxon signed rank sum test |
is non-parametric version of a paired sample t-test |
used, when you do not wish to assume that the difference between the two variables is the interval and normally distributed |
categorial |
McNemar test |
use if interested in the marginal frequencies of two binary outcomes |
1 DV & 1 IV with 2 or m. lev. (dep./matched g.)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
One-Way repeated measures ANOVA |
is the equivalent of paired t-test, but allows for 2 or more levels of the categorial variable |
ordinal or interval |
Friedman test |
use when you have one within-subjects IV with 2 or more levels and a DV that is not interval or normally distributed |
categorial (2 categories) |
Repeated measures logistic regression |
use if you have a binary outcome measured repeatedly for each subject and wish to run a logistic regression that accounts for the effects of multiple measures from a single subject |
1 DV & 2 or more IVs (indepen. groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
factorial ANOVA |
use if you have 2 or more categorial IV and a single normally distributed interval DV |
ordinal or interval |
Ordered logistic regression |
used, when the DV is ordered, but not continuous |
categorial (2 categories |
Factorial logistic regression |
used, when you have 2 or more categorial IV but a dichotomous DV |
1 DV & 1 interval IV
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
Correlation |
used, when you want to see the relationship between two (or more) normally distributed interval variables |
interval & normal |
Simple linear regression |
allows us to look at the linear relationship between one normally distributed interval IV and one normally distributed interval DV |
ordinal or interval |
Non-parametric correlation (Spearman) |
used, when one or both of the variables are not assumed to be normally distributed and interval |
the values of the variables are converted in ranks and then correlated |
categorial |
Simple logistic regression |
assumes that the outcome variable is binary |
1 DV & 1 or m. interval IV/ 1 or m. categ. IVs
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
Multiple Regression |
similar to simple regression, except that in multiple regression you have more that one IV in the equation |
interval & normal |
Analysis of Covariance |
like ANOVA, except in addition to the categorial IV you also have continuous IV |
categorial |
Multiple logistic regression |
like simple regression, except that there are 2 or more IV |
IV can be dummy or interval variables, but cannot be categorial variables (if, should be coded into 1 or more dummy variables) |
categorial |
Discriminant analysis |
used, when you have one or more normally distributed interval IV and a categorial DV |
is a multivariate technique that considers the latent dimensions in the IV for predicting group membership in the categorial DV |
2+ DV & 1 IV with 2 or more levels (indep. groups)
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
One-way MANOVA |
like ANOVA, except that there are 2 or more DV. |
there is one categorial IV and two or more DV |
interval & normal |
Multivariate multiple linear regression |
used, when you have two or more DV that are to be predicted from two or more IV |
interval & normal |
Factor analysis |
is a form of exploratory multivariate analysis that is used to either reduce the number of variables in a model or to detect relationships amongst variables |
all variabales need to be interval and assumed to be normally distributed |
goal is to try to identify factors which underlie the variables |
2 sets of 2+ DV & 0 IV
DV |
Test |
interval & normal |
Canonical correlation |
is a multivariate technique used to examine the relationship between two groups of variables |
for each set of variables, it creates latent variables and looks at the relationship among the latent variables |
assumes that all variables in the model are interval and normally distributed |