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ENMG 617 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Course of Engineering Management 617 at AUB

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Equation of the normal distri­bution

The curve is bell shaped and symmet­rical about the mean.
The mean, the median and the mode are equal.
The center of the curve is determined by the value of µ.
The spread of the curve is determined by the value of σ.

Three Sigma Rules

The area between µ-σ and µ+σ is 67%
The area between µ-2σ and µ+2σ is 95%
The area between µ-3σ and µ+3σ is 99.7%

The "­Z" transf­orm­ation

The Z transf­orm­ation standa­rdize any normal distri­bution to a different normal distri­bution where µ = 0 and σ² = 1.