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Introductory Concepts Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Gender and Sex

Gender: generally understood as socially constr­ucted, creates the prism through which we understand mascul­inity and femini­nity, normative roles, attrib­utes, and behaviours for "­men­" and "­wom­en"; includes plural­ities (range of diverse options of gender embodi­ment), contra­dic­tions (within and between mascul­inity and femini­nity), and relations of power and hegemony; a "­soc­ially produced and histor­ically changing aspect of identity that is shaped by cultural and instit­utional discourse within a societ­y" (Weedon 138); “an activity that is performed in response to instit­utional and social norms and is capable of plural­ities - both mascul­inities and femini­nit­ies­" (Swensen 139).

Sex: often understood as biological difference between "­mal­e" and "­fem­ale­", seen as rooted in genitalia, seen as determ­ining ones gender.

Mascul­inity: there are multiple mascul­inities at any given time in any given place; they vary by age, race, nation­ality, sexuality, etc.; within every culture there is a single form of mascul­inity which is most highly valued and becomes hegemonic; domestic mascul­inity is a way of negoti­ating with hegemonic or other forms of dominant mascul­inity.

Gendered division of labour: often emphasizes a division between production and reprod­uction (Counihan 175); domestic labour is devalued and usually invisible; the industrial revolution and transition to a capitalist society was respon­sible for the shift to a heavil­y-g­endered division of labour; there is a stigma for men who take on domestic work and women who do not; concealing domestic labour may further romant­icize and devalue domest­icity.

Culture and Identity

Culture: what seems regular or normal to you, often equated with nation­ality within anthro­pology; elements of culture include boundaries (who is an insider and who is an outsider), transm­ission (where you learn about culture), limited fluidity (changes from time to place), and an overlap with other collec­tiv­ities (region, age, class, nation­ality).

Inters­ect­ion­ality: the concept that suggests that the experi­ences of women will also be influenced by race, class, disabi­lity, sexuality, etc.; experi­ences of oppression are simult­aneous and overla­pping.

Cultural approp­ria­tion: the difference between cultural approp­riation and cultural apprec­iation is the context of oppression and dominance; in the context of food, it can also be referred to as "­cul­tural food coloni­ali­sm".