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Team Management : Personality Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Leadership and Team Management : Personality

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Individual Differ­ences

Variations in person­ality, percep­tion, abilities, skills, and attitudes among indivi­duals
Key Factors
Stable charac­ter­istics influe­ncing behavior
How indivi­duals interpret their enviro­nment
Abilities and Skills
Compet­encies that affect perfor­mance
Persistent tendencies to feel and behave in certain ways


Defini­tion: Persistent tendency to feel and behave in a favorable or unfavo­rable way toward a specific person, object, or idea.
Cognitive: Beliefs and thoughts
Affective: Emotions and feelings
Behavi­oral: Intended actions

Psycho­logical Capital (PsyCap)

Defini­tion: Positive psycho­logical state charac­terized by Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, and Resili­ence.

Myers-­Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Defini­tion: A person­ality assessment tool based on Carl Jung’s theory, catego­rizing indivi­duals into 16 person­ality types
Extrav­ersion (E) vs. Introv­ersion (I): Energy direction (external vs. internal)
Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): Inform­ation gathering (concrete vs. abstract)
Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): Decisi­on-­making (logic vs. values)
Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Lifestyle (struc­tured vs. flexible)

Managerial Implic­ations

Unders­tanding Individual Differ­ences
Tailor roles and support to individual strengths. Foster self-a­war­eness and respect for diversity.
Building Positive Attitudes
Create a supportive work enviro­nment. Recognize and reward achiev­ements.
Enhancing PsyCap and EI
Provide training and develo­pment opport­uni­ties. Demons­trate supportive leader­ship.

Big Five Person­ality Model (OCEAN)

Openness to Experi­ence: Imagin­ative, curious, creative
Consci­ent­iou­sness: Organized, depend­able, discip­lined
Extrav­ersion: Outgoing, sociable, energetic
Agreea­ble­ness: Cooper­ative, compas­sio­nate, trusting
Neurot­icism: Anxious, moody, emotio­nally unstable

Person­ality Types

Type A: Compet­itive, aggres­sive, time-c­ons­cious
Type B: Relaxed, easygoing, non-co­mpe­titive
Type C: Nice, hardwo­rking, perfec­tio­nistic
Type D: Distre­ssed, negative affect, socially inhibited

Other Traits

Locus of Control: Internal (control over life) vs. External (contr­olled by external forces)
Self-E­ffi­cacy: Belief in one’s ability to succeed
Self-E­steem: Sense of self-worth
Self-M­oni­toring: Adapting behavior to social situations
Machia­vel­lia­nism: Manipu­lative, pragmatic, self-i­nte­rested
Resili­ence: Ability to recover from adversity

Emotional Intell­igence (EI)

Defini­tion: Ability to appraise, regulate, and use emotions effect­ively
Self-A­war­eness: Recogn­izing own emotions
Self-M­ana­gement: Regulating own emotions
Social Awareness: Unders­tanding others’ emotions
Relati­onship Manage­ment: Managing interp­ersonal relati­onships

Key Takeaways

Individual Differ­ences: Recognize and appreciate diversity in person­ality, abilities, and attitudes.
Person­ality Traits: Use models like the Big Five to understand behavior and predict perfor­mance.
Attitudes: Foster positive workplace attitudes to enhance job satisf­action and commit­ment.
PsyCap and EI: Invest in psycho­logical capital and emotional intell­igence to improve well-being and perfor­mance.
Managerial Role: Support employees through training, recogn­ition, and a positive work enviro­nment.