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Javascript Fundamentals Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This one is just for me, sorry.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Javascript was designed to run only in browsers so every browser uses a Javascript Engine. Node combines C++ and JS so JS can run outside of browsers.
ECMASC­RIPT, Specif­ica­tion, defines JS standards.
The Javascript Console can be found in Chrome > Inspect > Console.
Just like browsers, Node includes the v8 JavaScript engine, so it can read and execute JavaScript scripts

Operator's precedence

The precedence is as follows: multip­lic­ation *, sum +

Bitwise operators

A little less practical.
1 = 00000001, 2 = 00000010
Bitwise are similar to Logical operators, but they operate on the singular bits of a number: each bit/8 is compared.
Bitwise OR
consol­e.log(1 | 2); //3
With OR, each individual bit is compared, if any of them is 1, the result is zero, like:
00000001 //1
00000010 //2
00000011 //(1 | 2)
Bitwise AND
consol­e.log(1 & 2); //
With AND, each individual bit is compared, if both bits are 1, the result is one, otherwise 0:
00000011 //(1 & 2)

Logical operators with non-bo­oleans

If the operan­d/'­con­dition' is not 'true' or 'false­'(b­oolean) JS will try to interpret it as 'truey' or 'falsey'.
"­Fal­sey­" values:
undefined, null, 0, false, '', "­", NaN
"­Tru­thy­" values:
anything else - Strings, natural numbers

Logical operators

Logical AND (&­&)
Returns 'true' if both operands or conditions are 'true'
true && true => true; true && false => false
Logical OR (||)
Returns 'true' if one of the operan­ds/­con­ditions are 'true'
true || false => true; true || true => true; false || true => true; false || false => false
Logical NOT (!)
Will turn the operand /condition into false if true, true if false
let happy = !sad

Ternary operators

// Ternary operators

// If a costumer has over 10 points they're a GOLD costumer, otherwise they're silver.

let points = 110;
// Condition (produces boolean), if true, set to 'gold', otherwise, 'silver'
let customerType = points > 100 ? 'gold' : 'silver';


There's a better way to shorten this if the condition's result is true or false:
return width > height;
instead of : return width > height ? true : false;
These conditions use booleans to return a value depending on the boolean type.


Operators are used alongside variables to create expres­sions. With these we can create logic and algori­thms.
In JavaScript we have Arithm­etic, Assigment, Compar­ison, Bitwise and Logical Operators.

Arithmetic Operators

let x = 10;
let y = 3;

console.log(x + y);
console.log(x - y);
console.log(x * y);
console.log(x / y);
console.log(x % y);
console.log(x ** y);

//// Increment and Decrement Operators
// 10

// 11+1 (operation applied first)

// 11+1 (operation applied later)
Used for performing calcul­ations, like mathem­atics. Usually variables with numeric values are used (operands) to produce new values (expre­ssion - something that produces a value.
For increment and decrement operators, if applied before the variable, the operation will be performed before the action. If applied after, after the action is executed.

Assignment operators

Comparison operators

// Relational operators
let xx = 1;
console.log(xx > 0);
// true, 1 is bigger than 0
console.log(xx >= 1);
// true, 1 is equal or bigger than 1
console.log(xx < 1);
// false, 1 is no less than 1
console.log(xx <= 1);
// true, 1 is equal or smaller to 1

// Equality operators
console.log(xx === 1);
// true, x is the same value and type as 1
console.log(xx !== 1);
// false,  x is no different to 1
We use them to compare the value of a variable with something else.
The result of an expression that includes a comparison operator is a boolean (true or false).

Equality operators

// Equality operators
console.log(xx === 1);
// true, x is the same value and type as 1
console.log(xx !== 1);
// false,  x is no different to 1

//// Lose equality operators
console.log( xx == y);

//// Strict equality operators
console.log( xx === y);

// true
console.log( '1' == 1 );
// false
console.log( '1' === 1 );
Lose equality operators ensure that two variables share value, Strict equality operators ensure that two variables share value and type. Type such as number, string, etc.

Lose equality will take the first variable's type and convert the second to that type automa­tically when compared.

Boiler­plate project

To start off, create an HTML document. Set a <sc­rip­t> tag on the head or body, but best practice is at the end of the <bo­dy> element because the browser will parse the content the DOM first.
// This is a comment.
consol­e.l­og(­"This is a sequence. It logs this message from the consol­e.")
<script src="in­dex.js­"­/>
From the terminal, launch "node index.j­s" to run the JavaScript script
From VSCode, run View > Terminal to run the JavaScript script

Reference types

A type that holds properties - when multiple properties are related we can fit them inside an Object.
let person = {}
Inside an object tehre's value and keys:
{ name: 'Mosh', age: 27 }
Objects can also be printed
Object properties can be changed. (Dynamic typing, remember?) = 'Sara'
person­['n­ame'] = "­Mar­y"
A type used to store other types in a list-like manner. Techni­cally an Object.
let select­edC­olors = [];
let select­edC­olors = ['red', 'blue'];
Array elements each have an index, in this case: red is 0, blue is 1. To access them
select­edC­olo­rs[0]; // red
Because JavaScript is a dynamic language, variables can be set, added, deleted at runtime or any time. And they can be of any type
select­edC­olo­rs[2] = 'yellow';
select­edC­olo­rs[3] = 8;
Because Arrays are Objects, they have their own inherited properties like indexOf, length...
A set of statements that perform a task or calculates a value
The variable we parse into the function is an 'argum­ent'.
If we don't parse a second variable, it will print undefined.

JavaScript is a Dynamic Typing language

Primitive variable types

To check a primitive variable type typeof is used:
typeof n !== 'number'

Control flow

- If ... Else
- Switch ... Case
switch­(case) {
case 'guest':
case 'moder­ator':
Note 1: If break is not added, the condition doesn't skip and case doesn't work, it just executes the next statement within the first case read.
Note 2: An expression is any valid unit of code that resolves to a VALUE. Case is an expres­sion, whether it is 2, 'a', or true. When case matches the variables, wether with a given variable or a set expression like 'true', code will execute, check the condition and if matching, execute and break.
- For ...
'for' includes 3 statem­ents: Initial expres­sion, where a variable is initia­lized, it's usually set like 'i', short for Index. Condition, where we usually compare the value of the Index to something else; the loop will continue unless this condition is false. If we want the loop to go on 5 times, we make it likeso: 1 < 5 and add the next expres­sion. Increm­ent­Exp­ression will be next, so for each time the statements under for are executed it will sum one to the initial expression , check for the condition, and when i is no longer less than 5 it will stop.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++;)
for (let i = 5; i >= 1; i--;)
- While ...
- Do ... while
Do-whiles are always executed once even if the condition is not true.
do { sentence } while ( condition )
Infinite loops
You can create them accide­ntally, causing a system break. Check for them on the console
- For ... in
for( let key in person ){}
For each iteration the key variable will hold the name of one of the properties of the oobject.
To access object's values:, person­["na­me"] or person­[key] if we don't know the properties name beforehand and we need to calculate it at runtime. Here, 'key' inside the brackets is the throwaway name for the proper­ties' value. 'key' on its own will print the property name (name, age...)
- For ... of
for (let color of colors)
In this type of loop, the property's value is selected instead of the whole object
Break and continue
They can be used in any kind of loop. 'break;' interrupts the code, 'continue' jumps to the beginning of the loop on its breakpoint and the next execution happens.


// Functions

// Performing a task:
function greet (name, lastName){
    console.log('Hello ' + name + ' ' + lastName + '!!!')

let lastName = "la Loca"

// Calculating a value:

function square (Number) {
    return Number * Number;

let n = square(2);



Basic concepts

Variables are data stored somewhere in memory tempor­arly. When adressed, the variable adress will be accesed by the variable's name. Like a box. The name will describe its content, the contents will be stored in the box.
Declar­ing­/in­iti­alizing variables (as of ES6)
let name = 'raposa';
Variables cannot be reserved keywords. They should be concise and meanin­gful, meaning they give us a clue of the contents. They cannot start with a number. They can't contain spaces or hyphens. Camel notation should be used (first­Name)). They're case sensitive. They can be declared in the same line (let name, firstName, lastName;)
Constant variables
They are used when we don't want the values to ever change. If you don't want to redefine constant should be the default.
There are primitive and reference types.
Primitive types:
String, number, boolean, undefined, null