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Science exam Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

to revise for science

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

The phase of the cell cycle

Prophase: Nuclear envelope breks down & chromo­somes condese
Metaphase: Chromo­somes line up in the middle of the cell
Anaphase: The sister chromatids separate from each other and are pulled towards opposite ends of the cell
Telophase: Two nuclei form
Cytoki­nesis: The cytoplasm separates & two new daughter cells from

The muscul­osk­eletal system

Hard & dense
tough, elastic connective tissue
Consists of bone cells within a matrix of minerals
holds bones together at the joints
mainly made of calcium & phosphorus & collages fibres
made of longs fibers of collagen

The muscul­osk­eletal system

What is the purpose of the muscul­osk­eletal system?
- allows for movement & supports the body

What organs make up the muscul­osk­eletal system?
- made up of bones and skeletal muscle

How do muscles make bones move?
- the nervous system sends a signal to the muscles to contract
- muscles commonly work in pairs. one muscle usually pulls while the other pushes

The nervous system

- The central nercous system contains the brain and spinal cord
- the peripheral nercous system which is a network of nerves and neural tissues branching out throughout the body

- sends electrical signals to the body

- neurons are nerve cells
- neurons conducts electrical impulses so that the body can send and receive messages

Neurons have 3 parts
1) cell body: contains the nucleus and organelles
2) Dendrites: branches that receive electrical impulses
3) Axon: extension that carries impulses away from the cell body

Specia­lized & cancer cells

- special shapes and structures that allow them to do special functions
- A cell that comes from a non-sp­eci­alized cell (stem cell) look different
- is different internally
Stem cells can differ­enciate into all the different cell types that make up your body
- Nerve cells
-Skin cells
- liver cells
- Pancreatic cells
- Red blood cells
- Heart muscle cells

Specia­lized cells carry out a specific job

- Muscle cells burn more calories
- Muscle cells: for movement
- Fat cells tend to store calories
- Fat cells: to store fat
- Red bloodc­ells: to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
Muscle cells: a lot of mitoch­ondria
Cells in intestine: lots of golgi bodies
Fat cells: large vacuole

Adult stem cell transplant

Umbilical cord blood has a high concen­tration of the adult stem cells (cancer in bone marrow)
Bone marrow transp­lant: a procedure to replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells; to replace replenish bone marrow that has been destroyed by drugs or radiation therapy for cancer such as leukemia

Causes of cancer

DNA mutation
-DNA mutation is the changes to a cell's DNA
- It can be caused by carcin­pgens or inherited

Comparing normal cells and cancer cells

Normal cells
Cancer cells
Make exact copies of themselves through mitosis
Make exact copies of themselves through mitosis
Reproduce for about 20-30 rounds
Do not stop reprod­ucing
Stick together to form masses of cells
Do not stick to other cells
Self-d­estruct when too old or too damaged
Behave indepe­ndently
May move to another location of the body

The digestive system

Functions of the digestive system
1) takes in food
2) digest food
3) eliminates remaining waste from your body

The digestive system

Parts & accessory organs of the digestive tract

Mouth: Digestion begins here. Food is broken down by grinding teeth and saliva
Esophagus: long tube that runs from mouth to the stomach
Stomach: large, sac like organ that churns food and bathes it in a strong acid
Small intestine: food is further broken down by chemicals from liver, pancreas, and intestine. Nutrients are absorbed
Large intestine: Absorbs water
Anus: where waste exists the body
Liver: Makes bile which breaks down lipids
Gallba­ldder: Stores chemicals and bile. Releases them into digestive tract when there is food to be digested
Pancreas: Makes insulin which controls how sugar goes from blood to cells

The circul­atory system

organ system respon­sible for transp­orting substance throughout the body. it consist of the heart, blood and blood vessels.
Human heart has 4 chambers: right atrium, left atriuim, right ventricle and left ventricle

Human heart