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Dracula Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Dracula by Bram Stoker notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Bram Stoker
Gothic Horror Novel
Late 19th century Europe, primarily England & Transy­lvania
Narrative Style:
Epistolary format, composed of letters, diary entries, newspaper articles, and telegrams

Historical and Literary Context

Victorian Era:
Dracula was written during the height of the British Empire, a time of signif­icant social, scient­ific, and techno­logical change.
Anxieties of the Age:
Fear of the Other: Repres­ented by the foreign Count Dracula, echoing concerns over immigr­ation and the influence of non-Br­itish cultures.
Gender Roles and Sexuality: The novel explores Victorian anxieties about female sexuality and the role of women, partic­ularly through the characters of Mina and Lucy.
Science vs. Supers­tition: The tension between modern science (repre­sented by characters like Dr. Seward and Van Helsing) and ancient, supern­atural beliefs (embodied by Dracula).
Gothic Tradition:
Dracula follows in the tradition of Gothic literature with its emphasis on the macabre, the supern­atural, and the explor­ation of human fears and desires.
Earlier Gothic novels like Mary Shelley’s Franke­nstein (1818) and Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto (1764).
Penny Dreadfuls: Cheap serial literature of the 19th century that often featured sensat­ional and supern­atural themes.
Vampire Lore: Dracula draws on European folklore, partic­ularly from Eastern Europe, concerning vampires and other undead creatures.

Plot Summary

Jonathan Harker’s Journey: The novel begins with Jonathan Harker, an English solicitor, traveling to Transy­lvania to assist Count Dracula with a real estate transa­ction in England. Harker's stay at Dracula’s castle turns from business to a nightmare as he realizes he is a prisoner and discovers Dracula's true nature.
Rising Action:
Dracula’s Arrival in England: Dracula travels to England aboard the ship Demeter, causing a series of mysterious events, including the death of all the ship’s crew.
Lucy Westenra’s Illness: Back in England, Lucy, a friend of Jonathan’s fiancée Mina, becomes myster­iously ill, suffering from strange symptoms (anemia, lethargy). Despite various treatm­ents, she worsens, and eventually dies, only to rise as a vampire.
The Death of Lucy: Lucy’s transf­orm­ation into a vampire is confirmed when she is seen preying on children. The group, led by Van Helsing, destroys Lucy’s undead form, reinfo­rcing the threat Dracula poses.
The Group’s Hunt: Jonathan Harker, Mina, Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, and others band together to destroy Dracula, tracing his movements through England and back to Transy­lvania.
Falling Action:
The Battle in Transy­lvania: The group chases Dracula back to his castle in Transy­lvania. They confront his servants and destroy the boxes of earth Dracula needs for survival.
Mina’s Connection to Dracula: Dracula begins to turn Mina into a vampire, creating a psychic link between them. This link helps the group track Dracula’s movements.
The Death of Dracula: The novel concludes with the group finally confro­nting Dracula at his castle. He is destroyed by a knife to the heart and a decapi­tation. Mina is freed from the curse, and the novel ends on a hopeful note with the birth of Jonathan and Mina’s son.

Main Characters

Count Dracula:
Character Overview: The titular antago­nist, Dracula is a centur­ies-old vampire with immense powers, including shape-­shi­fting, mind control, and superhuman strength. He represents a profound threat to Victorian society and embodies themes of invasion, degene­ration, and the clash between the old world and the new.
Symbolism: The Vampire as the "­Oth­er": Dracula represents the fear of the foreign, the unknown, and the invasion of the familiar by the alien
Symbolism: Sexuality: Dracula’s bite is often interp­reted as a metaphor for sexual transg­res­sion, highli­ghting Victorian anxieties about sexuality, especially female sexuality.
Symbolism: Undead Immort­ality: His existence challenges the natural order of life and death, symbol­izing a perversion of nature and religion.
Jonathan Harkner:
Character Overview: A solicitor who becomes Dracula’s prisoner and later a key member of the group trying to destroy him. Jonathan represents the rational, modern man, whose experi­ences with Dracula force him to confront the limits of his unders­tan­ding.
Role in the Plot: Harker’s journey from skepticism to belief mirrors the broader narrative arc, where modernity must confront and overcome ancient evil.
Mina Harker (née Murray):
Character Overview: Jonathan Harker’s fiancée and later wife, Mina is intell­igent, resour­ceful, and embodies the ideal Victorian woman—­pure, dutiful, and maternal. However, her near transf­orm­ation into a vampire also represents the novel’s explor­ation of the threat to this ideal.
Symbolism: The Ideal Woman: Mina is a paragon of virtue and is contrasted with the more sensual Lucy.
Symbolism: Connection to Dracula: Mina’s psychic link with Dracula makes her a bridge between the human and the monstrous, emphas­izing the vulner­ability of even the most virtuous indivi­duals to corrup­tion.
Professor Abraham Van Helsing:
Character Overview: A Dutch doctor with a wide range of knowledge in both science and the supern­atural. Van Helsing serves as the leader of the group and the one who unders­tands the true nature of Dracula.
Role in the Plot: He represents the inters­ection of modern science and ancient wisdom, embodying the novel’s theme of combating supern­atural evil with a blend of old and new knowledge.
Lucy Westenra:
Character Overview: A beautiful, flirta­tious young woman who becomes one of Dracula’s first victims in England. Her transf­orm­ation from innocent maiden to vampire serves as a potent symbol of Victorian fears surrou­nding female sexuality.
Symbolism: The Fallen Woman: Lucy’s transf­orm­ation into a vampire reflects fears about sexual liberation and the conseq­uences of stepping outside tradit­ional moral bounds.
Symbolism: Victim­hood: Lucy is depicted as a victim of Dracula’s predatory nature, repres­enting the dangers of passivity and the conseq­uences of being unprot­ected by the male-d­omi­nated society.
Dr. John Seward:
Character Overview: A doctor and former suitor of Lucy, Dr. Seward runs an insane asylum and is a key member of the group fighting Dracula. He represents the rational, scientific approach to unders­tanding the world, though his experi­ences force him to acknow­ledge the limits of science.
Role in the Plot: Dr. Seward’s observ­ations and diary entries provide a scientific perspe­ctive on the supern­atural events, and his asylum serves as a crucial setting for parts of the novel.
Quincey Morris:
Character Overview: An American cowboy and advent­urer, Quincey is another of Lucy’s suitors. He represents the New World and the rugged, indepe­ndent spirit of America.
Role in the Plot: Quincey’s bravery and willin­gness to sacrifice himself for the group’s cause underscore the novel’s themes of loyalty, courage, and the global fight against evil.
Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalm­ing):
Character Overview: Lucy’s fiancé and the son of a nobleman, Arthur embodies the British aristo­cracy and its values. His grief over Lucy’s fate motivates him to join the fight against Dracula.
Role in the Plot: Arthur’s character highlights the personal stakes of the battle against Dracula, and his status adds a layer of social commentary to the narrative.

Major Themes

The Clash Between Modernity and Tradition:
The novel explores the tension between the modern, scientific world and the ancient, supern­atural one. Characters like Dr. Seward and Van Helsing bridge the gap between ration­ality and the mystical.
The Fear of the Foreign and the Other:
Dracula, as a foreign invader from the East, embodies Victorian fears of immigr­ation, invasion, and the dilution of British identity and purity.
Sexuality and the Role of Women:
The novel reflects Victorian anxieties about female sexuality, with Mina and Lucy repres­enting different aspects of the ideal and the fallen woman. Dracula’s attacks on these women are often interp­reted as a violation of their purity and a metaphor for sexual transg­res­sion.
The Nature of Good and Evil:
Dracula portrays a clear battle between good (repre­sented by the group of protag­onists) and evil (embodied by Dracula). The novel explores the nature of evil, partic­ularly in its seductive and corrupting forms.
Religion and Supers­tition:
The use of religious symbols and rituals (e.g., the crucifix, holy water) in combating Dracula highlights the novel’s engagement with Christian themes of salvation, damnation, and the power of faith.

Symbolism & Motifs

Central to the vampire mythos, blood in Dracula symbolizes life, sexuality, and the transm­ission of the vampiric curse. The exchange of blood is both literal and metaph­orical, repres­enting the mingling of identities and the violation of bodily and spiritual integrity.
The Vampire:
The figure of the vampire in Dracula is a potent symbol of several fears, including disease, death, and the collapse of social and moral bounda­ries. Dracula himself embodies the inversion of Christian values (immor­tality without salvation, resurr­ection as an undead creature) and the fear of degene­ration.
Technology vs. Supers­tition:
The novel frequently contrasts modern technology (typew­riters, telegrams, phonog­raphs) with ancient supers­titions (vampires, crucif­ixes), reflecting the broader cultural conflict between science and religion.
Light and Darkness:
The contrast between light and darkness in Dracula is symbolic of the struggle between knowledge and ignorance, good and evil. Dracula’s powers are strongest at night, emphas­izing the fear of the unknown and the unseen.

Narrative Structure

Epistolary Format:
The novel’s structure as a series of letters, diary entries, and other documents allows multiple perspe­ctives and creates a sense of realism. It also serves to build suspense, as the reader is piecing together the story alongside the charac­ters.
Multiple Narrators:
The use of multiple narrators (Jonathan, Mina, Dr. Seward, etc.) adds depth to the narrative and allows the reader to see events from different angles. It also reinforces the theme of collab­oration in the fight against evil.
Chrono­logical Disrup­tion:
The narrative occasi­onally jumps forward or backward in time, reflecting the fragmented and chaotic nature of the struggle against Dracula and enhancing the novel’s suspense.

Reception and Legacy

Initial Reception:
Dracula received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising its origin­ality and others dismissing it as mere sensat­ion­alism. However, it quickly became popular with readers and has since become one of the most famous novels of all time.
Impact on Popular Culture:
Dracula has had a profound impact on popular culture, influe­ncing countless adapta­tions in litera­ture, film, televi­sion, and other media. The character of Dracula has become synonymous with the vampire archetype, and the novel’s themes and imagery continue to resonate today.
Scholarly Interp­ret­ation:
Dracula has been the subject of extensive academic analysis, with interp­ret­ations ranging from psycho­ana­lytic readings to feminist critiques. Scholars have explored its treatment of themes such as sexuality, imperi­alism, and the nature of evil.


Enduring Relevance:
Dracula remains a compelling explor­ation of fear, desire, and the clash between the modern world and ancient evil. Its themes of identity, otherness, and the struggle between good and evil continue to resonate with readers, ensuring its place as a classic of Gothic litera­ture.