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Rheumatoid Arthritis Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Immunology Module - RA

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Normal Joints vs RA Joints

Normal Joints
RA Joints
Normal, thin synovium surrou­nding joint space
Synovial thicke­ning, leading to panes formation
Intact tendons and ligaments
Loosening of tendon sheath and other periar­ticular struct­ures, leading to joint deform­ities
Well-d­efined joint space
Joint space narrowing
Smooth, intact cartilage surfaces providing protection to bone
Erosion of articular surfaces, leading t bone erosion and osteop­orosis

Overview of RA

Complex systemic inflam­matory condition manife­sting initially as symmetric swollen and tender joints of the hands and/or feet
RA effects ~1% of the worlds population
RA arises from an immuno­logic reaction
May be in response to genetic or infectious antigen

Managing establ­ished RA


Risk factors

Female gender (3:1 female to males)
Increasing age (peak onset 35-50 years of age)
Current tobacco smoking
Family history of RA
Potential enviro­nmental exposures
Drugs - oral contra­ceptive use, high ingestion of vitamin D

Managing Early RA


Biologic DMARDs


Non-bi­ologic DMARDs


Comorb­idities & Impact on Morbid­ity­/Mo­rtality

Cardio­vas­cular disease
1/2 of RA deaths are cardiac in nature
Inflam­mation happens in places other than joints, including blood vessels
RA leads to changes in cellular immunity and increases in infection risk
Patients with RA have increase risk of cancer
Lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma
RA causes increase in osteoc­lastic activity
Leads to bone loss