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Behavior Expectations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Borrowing Materials

Ask to borrow materials
Remain calm and wait for response
If yes, tell classmate thank you and when you will return the item
If no, accept their response and say thank you
Rationale: It reduces bullying instances.

Begin an assignment

Sit at desk with only necessary materials
Read the directions
Begin assignment
Voice level 0
Rationale: Students how to take respon­sib­ility for their learning.

Accept being told No

Remain calm
Take a deep breath
Respond with "I unders­tan­d" or "­Oka­y"
If needed, annotate frustr­ations and ask to discuss with teache­r/peer at a later time
Rationale: Self-c­ontrol and learn how to commun­icate in a calm manner.