Model Validations
after: {Date object} |
alpha: {boolean} |
alphadashed: {boolean} |
alphanumeric: {boolean} |
alphanumericdashed: {boolean} |
array: {boolean} strings formatted as arrays don't pass
before: {Date object} |
boolean: {boolean} strings fail
contains: {string?RegEx?} |
creditcard: {boolean} |
date: {boolean} |
datetime: {boolean} |
decimal: {boolean} |
email: {boolean} |
empty: {boolean} |
equals: {mixed} === comparison
falsey: {boolean} |
finite: {boolean} can be coerced to a finite number
float: {boolean} |
hexadecimal: {boolean} |
hexColor: {boolean} |
in: {array} |
int: {boolean} alias for integer
integer: {boolean} |
ip: {boolean} IPv4 or IPv6
ipv4: {boolean} |
ipv6: {boolean} |
is: {RegEx} |
json: {boolean} |
len: {?} is integer > param1 && < param2. (Where are params defined?)
lowercase: {boolean} |
max: {number} |
minLength: {int} |
not: {RegEx} |
notContains: {string?RegEx?} |
notEmpty: {boolean} |
notIn: {string|array} |
notNull: {boolean} |
notRegex: {boolean?} |
null: {boolean} |
number: {boolean} NaN is considered a number
numeric: {boolean} string contains only numbers
object: {boolean} |
regex: {boolean?} |
protected: {boolean} remove attribute when toJSON is called on instance
required: {boolean} during creation only
string: {boolean} |
text: {boolean} |
truthy: {boolean} |
undefined: {boolean} |
unique: {boolean} |
uppercase: {boolean} |
url: {boolean} |
urlish: {boolean} /^\s([^\/]+.)+.+\s*$/g
uuid: {boolean} UUID v3, v4 or v5
uuidv3: {boolean} |
uuidv4: {boolean} |
Websocket PupSub Methods
Message: {id,verb:'messaged',data}
Message: {id,verb:'created',data}
Message: {id,verb:'updated',data:object,previous:object}
Message: {id,verb:'addedTo',attribute,addedId}
Message: {id,verb:'destroyed',previous}
Message: {id,verb:'removedFrom',attribute,removedId}
Subscribes to record(s) changes. Works for socket requests only.
Unsubscribes from record(s) changes. Works for socket requests only.
Subscribe to publishCreate(). Works for socket requests only.
Unsubscribe to publishCreate(). Works for socket requests only.
Model Lifecycle Callbacks
beforeValidate: {fn(values, next)}
afterValidate: {fn(values, next)}
beforeCreate: {fn(values, next)} |
afterCreate: {fn(newlyInsertedRecord, next)} |
beforeUpdate: {fn(valuesToUpdate, next)} |
afterUpdate: {fn(updatedRecord, next)} |
beforeDestroy: {fn(criteria, next)} |
afterDestroy: {fn(destroyedRecords, next)} |
Waterline Model Methods
query(query, callback(err, results)) Only works with PostgreSQL and mySQL
native(callback(err, collection)) Only works with MongoDB. For low-level usage do require('mongodb')
count([criteria], [callback]) {query} |
find(criteria, [callback]) {query} |
findOne(criteria, [callback]) {query} |
findOrCreate(criteria, [callback]) {query} |
create(data, [callback]) {query} |
destroy(criteria, [callback]) {query} |
update(criteria, data, [callback]) {query} |
stream(criteria, [options]) {stream} |
If a callback is not passed, most methods return chainable query
object which ends with .exec(callback)
Waterline Record Methods
Add a many2many relationship
Remove a many2many relationship
Contains instance methods
Does not contain instance methods
persists any changes to the database. Required for add() / remove()
Waterline Queries
Executes a query at the end of a query chain.
Bluebird Promise Method
Bluebird Promise Method
Model Settings
safe: never auto-migrate db. alter: auto-migrate db and attempt to keep existing. drop: drop all data on every lift.
only specified attributes are saved
lowercase version of filename
autoPK: {boolean} |
autoCreatedAt: {boolean} |
autoUpdatedAt: {boolean} |
tableName: {string} table or collection to be used
attributes: {object} |
Model Attributes
type: {string} |
string |
text |
integer |
float |
date |
datetime |
boolean |
boolean |
binary |
array |
json |
email |
defaultsTo: {mixed} |
autoIncrement: {boolean}
unique: {boolean} |
primaryKey: {boolean}
enum: {array[string]} |
size: {integer} |
columnName: {string} |
Query Language
Where: Mode.find({ where: conditions })
{ property: 'value' } |
{ property: { 'comparison': 'value' } } Complex comparison options. Works for dates: { '>': new Date('2/4/2014') }
{ '<' | 'lessThan' : value } |
{ '<=' | 'lessThanOrEqual' : value } |
{ '>' | 'greaterThan' : value } |
{ '>=' | 'greaterThanOrEqual' : value } |
{ '!' | 'not' : value } |
{ 'like|contains|startsWith|endsWith': value } like: 'sea%rch' contains: '%search%' startsWith: 'search%' endsWith: '%search'
{ property: ['value1', 'value2'] } Value in array
{ property: { '!' : ['value1', 'value2'] } } Value not in array
{ or: [ { prop1: 'val1' }, { prop2: val2 } ] } |
Limit: Mode.find({ limit: integer })
Skip: Mode.find({ skip: integer })
Sort: Mode.find({ sort: sortString })
{ sort: 'property' | 'property ASC' } |
{ sort: 'property DESC' } |
{ sort: { 'property1' : 1, 'property2': 0 } } |
Model Associations
model: 'model' |
collection: 'model' |
via: 'foreignPropertyName' |
[dominant]: true
Created By
Favourited By
@DaveChild do you know why these columns aren't distributing evenly? It's really messing things up.
Thanks, very nice.
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