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Programming Cheat Sheets

2705 Programming Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
1 Page
My Ember Snippets 2023
17 Jan 23
2 Pages
A cheat sheet about R programming language
25 Jan 23
17 Pages
8 May 24
1 Page
Salt configuration for Nasqueron PaaS Docker
11 Nov 18, updated 22 May 23
1 Page
IDE + GIT base config for developers. In addition, commit messages conventions
18 Feb 20, updated 2 Jun 21
1 Page
1 Page
While many guides on the internet attempt to teach HTML using a lot of mind-boggling theory, this tutorial will instead focus on giving you the practical skills to build your first site. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the know-how to create a basic website and we hope that this will inspire you to delve further into the world of HTML using our follow-on guides.
13 Aug 20
1 Page
Flutter ist ein Open-Source Entwicklungskit von Google. Es basiert auf der Programmiersprache Dart. Nachfolgend werden die wichtigsten Themen dargestellt.
18 Nov 20
1 Page
Python quick reference
1 Aug 22
1 Page
React Hooks Simples React Hooks Simples
23 Nov 21
1 Page
Frontend interview quick reference lookup
6 Feb 22, updated 9 Feb 22
4 Pages
Cheat sheet for my Sweetheart
12 Mar 22, updated 20 Mar 22
4 Pages
My personal cheatsheet, for many things. Maybe one day it will be "official". For now the scope is: Python, Javascript, Shell, Ubuntu Multipass, and various penetration testing tools.
17 Mar 22
1 Page
CSS cheat sheet
27 Feb 14, updated 12 May 16
1 Page
Funivan custom phpstorm hotkeys
13 May 16
1 Page
1 Page
zendesk Markdown.<br /> Markdown can be used by agents in ticket comments, in macros, and in your agent signature. You add Markdown formatting as plain text and can then preview it before saving the comment (via submitting a ticket update).
7 Feb 13, updated 10 May 16
2 Pages
HTML Special Character Codes
31 Aug 12, updated 13 May 16
1 Page
28 Apr 13, updated 11 May 16
1 Page
A cheat sheet for developing modules and themes on the Magento platform.
26 Jul 16