This cheat sheet is for Salesforce programming best practices.
Fields & Object
Object - Without underscore (_) like - ProductFeature__c |
Fields - without underscore (_) like - IsVisible__c |
Fields - in Master-detail or lookup relationship append "Ref" - AccountRef__c |
Fields - in roll-up summary field append "RS" - NumberOfContactsRS__c |
Fields - in formula fields append "F" - ActiveStatusF__c |
Name should be enough descriptive and tell its purpose and type of flow - ProductSelectionScreenFL |
Scheduled flow - SendBirthdayEmailsBatchFL |
Record triggers process one record at a time, name should be - AccountCreateFL, AccountUpdateFL |
Auto Launch flow - OpportunitySyncAutolaunchFL |
Platform event flow - PaymentReceivedEventFL |
Lightning web components
Name should be descriptive and follow camelCase, eg: productSelectionTable.html, activityTimeline.html |
Variables should also follow camelCase. eg: leadStatus, caseOrigin |
Java script and css file should also follow camelCase. eg: productSelectionTable.js, activityTimeline.js, productSelectionTable.css, activityTimeline.css |
Custom Metadata
Add description and define its purpose of use. |
Use Custom Metadata and apply checks in trigger, flow etc to activate and deactivate any automation |
Variables and Methods
Method name should be verb and in camelCase eg: getAcountsByName, applyDiscount |
Apex test method name eg: unitTest_getAcountsByName |
Variables - local instance and class variables should follow camelCase. eg: isErrorLoggingEnabled |
Constants should be written in UPPER CASE and words separated by underscore(_). eg: MAXIMUM_PARTICIPANTS |
Apex Test Execution
Do not use @SeeData = true in test classes |
Always write asserts and cover positive and negative scenarios. |
Test single and bulk records(200) |
Try to cover 100% code coverage including exception scenarios as well. |
Use mock class for callout scenarios. |
Custom Labels
Constants should be defined in CAPS letters for ex: INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE |
Apex & Trigger
Class name should be Descriptive Noun or Noun Phrase using PascalCase |
Controller - NewAccountWizardCtrl |
Extension - NewAccountWizardCtrlExt |
Domain - Account Domain (object specific logic) |
Trigger - AccountTrigger (Object specific triggers) |
Trigger Handler - AccountTriggerHandler (Object specific trigger handler) |
Service - AccountService (Functionality specific service) |
Batch - AccountArchiveBatch |
Schedule - AccountArchiveScheduler |
Custom REST - AccountRestResource |
SOAP Resource - AccountSOAPResource |
Selector - AccountSelector (Object Specific Query class) |
Test class - Main Class name + "Test", AccountServiceTest |
Lightning Components (Aura)
Descriptive name using PascalCase. eg: ProductSelectionTable, ActivityTimeline |
Js file, helper, Event and Application name should also use PascalCase. eg: ConfigureQuoteApp, ProductSelectionEvent |
Variable name should be in camelCase. eg: recordId, contactName, isModalOpen, |
Version control and VS Code
Always use VS Code to commit code in repository |
Keep branch name short and descriptive. eg: feature/JIRA-TICKET-ID. |
Commits- message should define the functionality and only commit your changes in branch. |
Install VS Code extension like Salesforce CLI, SFDX and Salesforce extension pack |
Apex Structure and readability
Max 100 characters in single line |
max 1000 lines per apex class |
max 4 input parameters per method |
remove unwanted space and white spaces |
Every class must have its test class |
Tab width should be 4 white spaces long |
Remove all debug statements after completing the functionality |
Always include curly braces { } to indicate the start and end of looping and branching constructs |
keep method definition short up-to 80 lines |
Use Controller, Service, Domain, Selector pattern to implement Separation of concern(SOC). |
Use Javadoc style of code commenting |
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