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Notes for Biology yay

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


study of life
Basic unit of life
differ­ent­iates living and nonliving things

Charac­ter­istics of Life

charac­ter­istics that define living things
emergent proper­tie­s-c­omp­onents group together to form new f(x)
atoms>­mol­ecu­les­>or­gan­ell­es>­cel­ls>­tis­sue­s>o­rga­ns>­organ system­>or­gan­ism­>po­pul­ati­on>­com­mun­ity­>ec­osy­ste­m>b­ios­phere
Energy Utiliz­ation
metabo­lism: absorbs energy + converts to bodily f(x)
energy transfer lost through heat
classified based on source of energy
1. Primary Producers (autot­rophs
-obtain from non-living
2. consumers
-from living
3. decomp­osers
-from unliving
cells keep conditions within certain range
responds to stimuli to counteract changes
goal of life:
-keep genes alive
-transmit DNA
-pass traits to genera­tions
2 ways
1. Asexual
-1 parent. all offspring identical to parent
2. Sexual
-2 parents. genetic diversity
Growth Develo­pment
-increase in complexity of cells
-inc in complexity of f(x) of cells
specific pattern for growth and dev
Response to Enviro­nment
can respond to stimuli (senses as receptor)
stimul­us-­eff­ector train:
Evolut­ionary Adaptation
inherited charac­ter­istics to suit enviro­nment
change in genetic makeup of population over genera­tions
Charles Darwin & Alfred Russel Wallace (conce­ptu­alized)
Natural Selection:
enviro­nmental pressure
Exposure to prolonged stimuli induces natural selection
Def of Life
-"se­lf-­sus­taining organism with chemical systems that are capable of Darwinian Evolut­ion­"
life is too complex, diverse, and dynamic to be given an exact definition


study of ethical, social, and legal issues that arise in the biomedical field
intends to 'guide', like a handbook
determine wishes of the patient
ppl make choices based on own moral values and beliefs
Principle of self-rule and principle of respect for persons
informed consent: aware of every single option available to them
informed consent requir­ements
1. for patient
capable of unders­tanding conseq­uences of consent
capable of making sound decision
2. for healthcare provider
provide all necessary info for patient
perform reflective convo with patient
promote good
obligation to do something that will most likely do good unless there is sufficient reason not to
not to inflict harm
obligation to not perform act that will most likely do harm
>fu­nda­mental duty of med service providers:
give quality health care to all patients
>ac­kno­wledge that :
1. there are limits to ppl's abilities
2. treatment options may be too complex
3. always a chance for benefit or the risk of harm
treat patients equally regardless of any other factors
medical need criteria:
1. likely benefit to patient
2. urgency of need to patient
3. change of quality of life to patient
4. duration of benefit to patient
conditions for determ­ining priorities
1. on a national level
cost of med goods
-fair and livable
-econo­mically stable
2. on an instit­utional level
model of medical triage
-to maximize number of survivors