✓ neurons are excitable cells.
✓ neuroglial cells protect, support and nourish the neurons. (more than one half volume of neural tissue)
✓nissl granules are the granular bodies also present in branched projections of the cell body called dendrites.
✓ dendrites transmit impulses towards cell body
✓distal branched ends of axon are bulb-like structures called synaptic knob. they possess vesicles that release neurotransmitters.
✓ axons transmit nerve impulse away from cell body to synapse a neuro-muscular junction. |
types of axons
1. myelinated nerve fibres.
schwann cells that form a myelin sheath around the axon.
gaps b/w two adjacent myelin sheaths are nodes of ranvier
these nerves are found in spinal and cranial nerves.
2. unmyelinated nerve fibre
schwann cellls present but do not form a myelin shetah.
found in ANS and SNS.
➤ pons
-consists of fibre tracts that interconnect different regions of the brain
➤ cerebellum
-provides additional space for more neurons
-connected to the spinal cord
-centres that control respiration, cardiovascular reflex, gastric secretions
➤brain stem
-midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata |
➤ 1. outer ear
-pinna and external auditory meatus (canal)
-pinna collects vibrations in the air
-canal has fine hairs and wax-secreting ceruminous gland
-tympanic membrane composed of connective tissue with skin outsde and mucus membrane inside.
➤2. middle ear
-3 ossicles called malleus, incus, stapes.
-malleus attached to tympanic membrane and stapes to oval window of the cochlea
-eustachian tube connects the middle ear cavity to pharynx
-it helps in equalizing the pressures
➤3. inner ear
-fluid filled ear is called labyrinth which can be divided into bony and membranous
-bony labyrinth is a series of channels inside which lies membranous labyrinth surrounded by perilymph
-membranous labyrinth is filled with the fluid endolymph
-coiled portion of the labyrinth is called cochlea
-reissner's and basilar divide the perilymph into upper scala vestibuli and lower scala vestibuli
-space within cochlea is called scala media
-organ of corti is located on the basilar membrane contains hair cells acting as auditory receptors. |
types of neurons
unipolar |
bipolar |
multipolar |
1 axon only |
1 axon |
1 axon |
0 dendrites |
1 dendrite |
2/more dendrites |
embryonic stage |
retina of eye |
cerebral coretx |
brain overview.
✓ information processing organ- command and control system
✓voluntary and involunatary movements, balance, thermoregulation,hunger thirst, circadian, endocrine and behaviour.
✓cranial meninges- outer layer dura mater, thin middle layer arachanoid, inner layer in contact with brain tissue pia mater |
-located between hypothalamus of the forbrain and pons of the hindbrain
-cerebral aqueduct, a canal passes through midbrain
-dorsal portion consists of 4 round lobes called corpora quadrigemina |
! important info !
- cranial nerves (12 pairs)
- spinal nerves ( 31 pairs)
➤reflex pathway.
-atleast 1 afferent neuron (receptor) and one efferent neuron in series.
-afferent neuron receives signal from sensory organ via dorsal nerve root into CNS
- efferent neurons then carry the signals from CNS to effector and this mechanism is called the reflex arc |
rods and cones
rods |
cones |
scotopic |
photopic |
rhodopsin |
red light |
derived from vit. A |
green light |
opsin + retinal |
blue light |
generates action potentials in ganglion cells through bipolar cells |
ear pt.2
-basal end of hair is in close contact with the afferent nerves
-a large no. of processes called stereo cilia are projected from the apical part of ech hair cell.
-thin elastic membrane above hair cells tectorial membrane
-above the cochlea, a complex system called vestibular apparatus
which is composed of 3 semi-circular canals and otolith
-projecting ridge containing hair cells crista ampullaris
-saccule and utricle contain a projecting ridge called macula
-crista and macula are specific receptorsof vestibular apparatus.
maintenance of body and posture |
generation and conduction of nerve impulses
✓ ion channels are selectively permeable
1. resting state
K+ more permeable and Na+, -ve proteins impermeable.
axoplasm inside has high conc of K+ and -ve proteins and low conc of Na+.
ECF (extra cellular fluid) has low K+ and -ve proteins but more Na+ therefore forms a concentration gradient
ionic gradient maintained by active transport and sodium potassium pup by 3Na+ out 2K+ in.
outer surface = +ve charge inner surface+ -ve charge
polarised state has a potential difference of -70mV
resting potential
2. depolarisation
site permeable to Na+ causing rapid influx therefore reversal of polarity
outer = -ve charge inner= +ve charge
this is now called action potential or nerve impulse
3. repolarisation
Na+ permeability was short lived, therefore, followed by a rise in permeabilty of K+
where K+ diffuses outside restoring the resting potential. |
parts of an eye
➤ 1. sclera
-dense connective tissue
-anterior portion turns transparent and is then called cornea
➤2. choroid
-middle layer, many blood vessels
-thin posterior, anterior thick which forms the ciliary body
➤3. ciliary body
-continues forward to form a pigmented opaque structure iris
-eye call contains transparent crystalline lens held in place by ligaments
-3 layer of neural cells ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptor cells
-blind spot = no photoreceptor cells present
-macula lutea- fovea, concentration of cones
-space b/w cornea and lens= aqueous chamber containing aqeuous humor
- space b/w lens and retina = vitreous chamber |
➤ cerebrum
- 2 halves called the left and right cerebral hemispheres
- tract of nerve fibres that connect the hemispheres corpus callosum covered with myelin sheath, giving whitish appearance therefore called white matter
-layer that covers cerebral hemisphere and forms prominent folds is cerebral cortex
-cerebral cortex referred to as grey matter due to concentration of neurons there.
-contains motor areas, sensory areas, and association areas (neither motor nor sensory)
-cerebral cortex is responsible for intersensory associations, memory and communication.
➤ thalamus
-cerebrum wraps around this structure
- major coordinating structure for sensory and motor signaling
➤ hypothalamus
-lies at the base of thalamus
-body temp, eating, thirst
-groups of neurosecretory cells secrete hormones called hypothalamic hormones
➤limbic system
-inner parts of cerebral hemispheres and structures like amygdala, hippocampus, etc
-along with hypothalamus involved in rage, pleasure, motivation, sexual behaviour |
nose and tongue
➤ nose
-contains mucus-coated receptors called olfactory receptors
-made of olfactory epithelium that consist of 3 kinds of cells
-neurons of olfactory epithelium extend directly in broad bean-sized organs called olfactory bulb this is an extension of the brain's limbic system.
➤ tongue
-detection through tastebuds that contain gustatory receptors
-both nose and tongue detect dissolved chemicals. |