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Child Mental Health Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet for psychological interventions for 0-12 year olds.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Underp­inning Principles

• top down approach (focus on roles to facilitate partic­ipa­tion, and in turn build skills)
• strengths based practice
• routines based practice
• neurod­ive­rsity affirming principles - strate­gies, tools, accomo­dat­ions, focusing on a mix of enviro­nment and occupation change rather than occupation alone.

Interv­ention Planning

Preper­ation (establish goals with child and caregiver, ascertain buy-in)
Acquis­ition (implement strategies and apply to goals)
Verifi­cation (gener­ali­sation and reinforce)

Brofen­bre­nner's Ecological Systems Theory


Assessment Process

• occupa­tional profile
• observ­ati­on/­rep­orting from caregivers
formal assess­ments
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (semi structured interview or questi­onnaire assessing daily living skills, commun­ica­tion, social­iza­tion, and motor skills of children aged 0-12 years to evaluate their adaptive functi­oning)
Sensory Profile (Infan­t/T­odd­ler­/Child)
Strengths and Diffic­ulties Questi­onaire brief behavioral screening tool used to assess the emotional and behavioral wellbeing of children and adoles­cents aged 2 to 17 years. It measures five domains: emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hypera­cti­vit­y/i­nat­ten­tion, peer relati­onship problems, and prosocial behaviour.


Joint Attention
● Remove all toys, use every day objects
● Add a sensory layer e.g. noises, touch, movement
● Sprinkle ‘no talking dust’
● Animated facial expres­sions and big gestures
● Add a level of antici­pation to encourage joint attention
● Repetition and extending
Play Skills
● Facilitate sense of power, working with passions and enabling control
● Join in with current pretend play and extend
● Look for opport­unities to develop specific play skills ○ Object substi­tution ○ Play script ○ Social ○ Create problems in advance to facilitate social problem solving