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Dramatica Theory Cheat Sheet by

Cheat sheet for the Dramatica Theory

Main Character Growth­/Re­solve

The MC will either grow by someth­ing's that stopping or something that's starting
In the conflict between MC and IC the MC will Change or remain Steadfast
MC Resolve: Change
The IC is waiting for the MC to Change
MC Resolve: Steadfast
The MC is waiting for the IC to Change
Change, Start
The IC is waiting for the MC to Start consid­ering something
Change, Stop
The IC is waiting for the MC to Stop consid­ering something
Steadfast, Start
The MC is waiting for the IC to Start consid­ering something
Steadfast, Stop
The MC is waiting for the IC to Stop consid­ering something

Driver Plot points

What will happen when the story succeeds, what the Protag­onist is striving for.
What must happen to reach the story's Goal. The combin­ation of the Requir­ements Type and the Goal Type should resonate with the reader.
What will happen (MC Start) or remain (MC Stop) when the Goal is not achieved, what the Antagonist is striving for. The price that will have to be paid for Failure.
The element of tension in the story. Forewa­rnings signal that the Success is not certain (Outcome: Success) or that Failure in imminent (Outcome: Failure.) The combin­ation of the Conseq­uences Type and the Forewa­rnings Type should resonate with the reader.
See Theory Book p 175.

OS Problems

Ideally Objective Characters create problems for other Objective Charac­ters.
The problem is either external or internal and a state or a process
The Objective view of the inequity
Issue vs. Counte­rpoint
How the inequity feels, the inequity as a value conflict
The element that hinders the Protag­onist from reaching the Goal
The element that helps the Protag­onist reaching the Goal.
The symptoms caused by the Problem. This can be the inspir­ation for events that are caused when the Protag­onist applies the Problem (see Response).
The apparent remedy when the real problem presents itself. This can also be an inspir­ation for random events that the Protag­onist has to deal with (or tempt the Protag­onist) along the way. Responding to these random events steers the Protag­onist away from the solution. Hence, these random events should give the Protag­onist opport­unities to engage in the Problem. These actions by the Protag­onist should lead to new Symptoms (since he applied the Problem).

Story Outcome: Success, MC Start

The Goal will be achieved, the Conseq­uence will not happen. The author can illustrate the eventual success by exploring the Cost of achieving the goal. The Dividend will illustrate that success has been achieved.

Story Outcome: Failure, MC Start

The Goal will not be achieved, instead the Cons­e­qu­ence will be suffered. The author can illustrate the eventual failure by exploring the Forewa­rnings of failing to achieve the goal. The Conseq­uence will illustrate that the story has ended in failure.

Story Outcome: Success, MC Stop

The Goal will be achieved, the Cons­e­qu­ence that was there from the start of the story will go away. The author can illustrate the eventual success by exploring the Cost of achieving the goal. The Dividend will illustrate that success has been achieved.

Story Outcome: Failure, MC Stop

The Goal will not be achieved, the Cons­e­qu­ence that was there from the start of the story will not go away. The author can illustrate the eventual failure by exploring the Forewa­rnings of failing to achieve the goal. The Conseq­uence will illustrate that the story has ended in failure.

OS Domain

All Objective Characters agree that the story's problem lay in one of these domains.
The situations (external state) the Objective Characters find themselves in.
The physical activities (external process) the Objective Characters engage in. What the Objective Characters do.
The way the Objective Character think (internal activity).
Fixed Attitudes
What the Objective Characters believe, think, what values or opinions they hold strongly (internal state).

OS Concerns

All Objective Characters will be affected by one of these elements. The descri­ptions may also apply in the negative form.
The Past
To fully understand the current situation we need to understand what has happened in the past, what brought us here. The choices from the past is the inequity in this story (meaning: we may have to revisit choices we thought were behind us)
The Present
We need to understand our current situation, our current status. Our present situation is the inequity in this story (meaning: our current situation isn't very stable.)
How Things Are Changing
We need to understand our strengths and weaknesses in the context of what is happening. Our grasp on the current situation is the inequity in this story (meaning: something we're doing is causing problems)
The Future
We need to understand what can potent­ially happen and how that may affect our situation, status. The uncert­ainty of the future is the inequity in this story (meaning: we're worried about how things that are currently happening will affect our future.)
Gathering Info
We need to understand what is going on. Our limited unders­tanding is the inequity of this story (meaning: we need to get reliable inform­ation.)
We know what's going on. The fact that we understand what's going on is the inequity in the story (meaning: we need to face the music)
We're doing something about it. Our actions are the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to get our act together)
There's something missing. Something we don't have is the inequity in the story (meaning: we need to go on a treasure hunt)
Conceiving an idea
Something needs to change. Desire for change is the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to change the status quo)
Developing a plan
We will change something. The desire to act is the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to act)
Playing a role
We're manipu­lating. Active manipu­lation is the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to stand our ground)
Changing one's nature
The manipu­lation has worked. Previous manipu­lation is the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to adapt)
We're thinking. Reflec­tions are the inequity in this story (meaning: we may need to do something, some day)
We're rememb­ering. Recoll­ections are the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to agree what to do)
Impulsive responses
Lizard mode engaged. Innate responses are the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to pull ourselves together)
Innermost desires
We're all about fantasies. Something that's missing inside of us is the inequity in this story (meaning: we need to go out on a limb)


Outstanding! Very helpful for brainstorming.

Where did you get these descriptions from? They are very different from the ones in the app and in the book. I'm a PC user so I can't use the latest version of the app; are they from it?

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