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Reza Shah Pehlavi and Iran Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

What did this guy do in iran

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Qajar Dynasty 1794-1925

mozaffar e-din shah - moderate but ineffe­ctive; financial issues
took loans from russia for Europeans trips
sold off conces­sions- road building monopolies and authority to collect duty on import to europeans for money
1906- grant consti­tution which curtailed of monarchial powers
parliament estb. called Majles - died a few days later
His son Mhd. Ali shah abolished Majlis, abolished parliament
he got deposed; consti­tution re-est­abl­ished ; fled to russia
1909- Majles voted his 11 year old son as emperor
continuous domination of British and Russia
During WWI- Iran was neutra­l-o­ttoman invaded and annexed large parts of it
1917- british used iran to atttack russia to stop the revolution
Russia annexed northern persia- Persian Socialist Soviet Republic

Reza Shah and the coup

1) when he was 16 he joined the persian cossack brigade and served the imperial army
2) the last commanding officer of the brigade and the only iranian commander
3)he put an end to chaos by taking over power
4) 1921- occupied tehran; dissolved the govy; made tabatabee the PM
5) took title of sardar sepah; became commander in chief
6)1921 coup assited by brits to halt soviet penetr­ation
7) in 1921, he secured the interiors of iran and suppressed revolts
8) 1923- parted ways with tabatabee and consol­idated iran
9) Majles granted him dictat­orial powers
10) 1925- forced Majles to make him the Shah of iran; He abandoned the idea of making Iran a republic
11) became the 1st shah of pehlavi dynasty; son became the crown prince


1)Authur Millsp­augh- reorganize finance ministry of Iran
2)1927­-Bank Meli- First state owned Iranian Bank; 1930- became central bank
3)sugar, cement, textiles, and light consumer goods,tea and rice factories; self-s­uff­icient in sugar with 8 refineries
4)modern industrial plants increased 17 folds including oil
5)1938- The trans Iranian railway joined persian gulf and caspian sea
6) railway built with taxes on sugar and tea
7) b/w 1930-1940 many road building projects were completed, number of miles on highway increased from 2000 to 14,000

Legal System

1) fixed written law with appeal courts
2) 1926- entire Iranian judiciary was dissolved; restru­cturing and overha­uling reforms with the help of french experts
3)1927- 600 newly appointed judges in Tehran; the system was extended to other cities; training of 250 judges


1) overhaul of both the teaching methods and courses; new courses were being devised; schools became uniform
2) 1933- free tuttion in primary schools; 1935- Uni of Tehran ; adult literacy classes; grade 1-3 beacme co-edu­cat­ional
3)by 1941- 4 lakh students and 12 thousand teachers in Iran
4)Govt sponsored European education; Uni became Co-ed
5)Unis became training grounds for new bureau­cracy; created a new middle class


1)measures designed to break the power of religious hierarchy; education reforms ended the monopoly of clerics on edu.
2)secular courts; excluded clerics from judgeship; made state licensed notaries
3) encroached admini­str­ation of vaqfs (religious endowm­ents)
4) new solar iranian calendar- Zoroas­trian
5) policy of tolerance towards jew and Zoros
6) founded academy of persian language and literature

improving the status of women

1) opened schools for women and brought them into workforce
2)1936- abolished veil
3)marriage laws of 1931- marriage age above 13; allowed women to get divorce
4) financial support to study abroad; 1935- admitted to tehran Uni
5)1932- 2nd congress of women of the east; iranian women activist met with activists of Lebanon, Egypt, India and Iraq

Contro­lling Foreign Influence

1) changes in foreign affairs; worked to diminish British influence by working with other countries and diminish foreign influence in general
2)1921- treaty with soviet union (bolsh­eviks resented imperial expansion of russia, reserved right to tempor­arily occupy iran in case of attack
3)purc­hased ships fron Italy, took Italy's help in navy
4) removed extra territ­orial rights
5) 1932- something related to oil and british and anglo-­persian oil comapany. cancelled conces­sions. shah wanted 21% of the conces­sions and APOC granted only 16%
6) right to print money moved from british bank to National Bank of Iran as was telegraph system
7) prohibited foreigners from admini­stering schools, owning land or traveling without police permission
8) to counte­rba­lance british and soviet influence he encouraged german business in Iran- Germany was the largest trading partner of iran at the time of WW2

end of rule

1)1941- allies UK and soviet occupied Iran by air, land and navy
2) Iran ceased military resistance and went to negotiate with the allies
3)UK's PM Foroughi said that for the allies to withdraw- basically kick the germans out and hand them over to allies
4) Reza shah defied the demand and secretly helped Germans go
5)then the red army occupied Tehran
6)1941­-Reza shah had to abdicate in favour of his son
7) 1944- british forces took him to Mauritius and then to South africa where he died