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kemal pasha Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

conditions of turkey in early 20th century and reforms

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Hamid II sultan of ottoman empire from 1876-1908 (young Turk revolu­tion)
he was the red sultan
His brother mehmed v after 1908

first war

It was bad for ottomans- allies captured baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem
1918- Mehmed VI became the king
treaty serves 1920- relinq­uishing of territ­ories by turks except some of istanbul and gave up control of finance

Kemal pasha

born in 1881 in salonica, middle class, turkish speaking and muslim
he attended muslim schools and went to War College in Istanbul
he joined military and was a part of young turn revolution but later focused on his military career
1915- Gallipoli peninsula
1919- founded a military movement in ankara

The republic

he knew the sultan was incomp­etent so he estb. a seat of his provis­ional govt in ankara
GNA - 1920 new elects - mustafa became president
he took back straits, thrace and istanbul- treaty null and void
1922- GNA abolished the Sultanate
1923-T­reaty of Lausanne
oct 29 1923- turkish republic estb. with ankara as capital