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Chadragupta II / Vikramaditya Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Explain the military campaigns

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


1) Son and Successor of Samudr­agupta
2) Not the eldest son; Nominated as the next rulers
3) His rules marks the golden age of Guptas
4) He completed the policy of war started by his dad
5)He consol­idated the territ­ories annexed by his dad and added new territ­ories to the gupta empire
6) Played an important role in cultural develo­pment and political greatness of the Guptas


1) Literary sources by Kaildas
2)Fa Hein
3) Mehrauli Pillar Inscri­ption

Matrim­onial Alliance

1)Married Kuvera Naga, a naga princess
This alliances yielded his resources and support, friendly relations and recogn­ition of authority by the nagas
2) His daughter Prabhavati was married off to Rudrasena II, ruler of Vaktaka which became an important base for his campaign against Sakas

Policy of war

Sources- Saka coins, Udaygiri Cave inscri­ption. after the marriage alliance he attacked Sakas
they had been ruling over western india (gujarat and Sauras­htra) for over 300 hundred years
he defeated and killed the Saka chief Rudrasimha III and annexed their territoty
this put an end to the last vestige of foreign rule and the frontiers of Gupta empire in the west extended to the shores of Arabian sea
the areas annexed from Sakas was very fertile , the western coast expanded trade contacts
Chandr­agupta took the title of Vikram Aditya after this a
his other military conquest are not very clear