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Central Administration of Mauryas Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Describe in brief the central administration of Mauryas

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


1) largest empire due to efficient admini­str­ation which sustained the empire
2) Basic principles of adm. were made by chandr­agupta
3) Ashoka modified regarding public duties of state officials


edicts of ashoka
Arthas­hastra of kautilya
Indica by Magast­henes

Mauryan Polity

1) it was a consti­tut­ional monarchy
2) decent­ralized
3) checks and balances on monarch to restrict absolutism
4) Council of ministers and popular assemblies with the king as head
5) King was the supreme head of the state and admini­str­ation
6) performed legisl­ative, executive, judicial functions
7) main task of the king- Protection of subjects and their Welfare
8) 24 hours of the king were divided into 8 parts, each assigned a different duty
9) princes were carefully trained and employed in offices according to capabi­lities

Council of Ministers (Mantri Parishad)

1) advice and assist the king
2) political check on the power of the king
3) their powers were limited; directly appointed by the king
4) 3 qualities: a) birth, b) integrity c)inte­lli­gence
5) 2 categories of ministers: a) Mantri and b) Amatyas
6) Mantri: inner circle of the council; Amatyas: outer circle
7) Mantris formed policies and Amatyas implem­ented.
8) Popular assemb­lies: Paura Janapada
9) bureau­cracy: highly efficient, organized and centra­lized


1) 2 important high officials: a) collector general b) treasurer
2) Collector general (Samah­arta): supervised revenue collection and increased revenue, regulated expend­iture
3)Trea­surer (Sanni­dhata): custodian of entire revenue in cash and kind
4) there were various depts.; each was put under a superi­nte­ndent (adhya­ksha); 32 depts were placed under samaharta
5) Depts: Agricu­lture, Mines, Chariots, Spies

income and expend­iture

1)chief source of revenue: excise duty on manufa­ctured goods, tolls, fees, import duties, fines, compulsory contri­bution
1) expend­iture on army
2) land revenue- collected as 1/6th of produce; in times of emergency 1/3 of the produce
2) public works : constr­uction of roads, wells, irrigation
3) Royal household, places of religious importance