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MA2011 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

mechatronics systems

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Mechat­ronics defini­tions

Synerg­istic integr­ation of mechanical engine­ering with electr­onics and electrical systems with intell­igent computer control
Cross-­dis­cip­linary field involving mechanics, electr­onics, and control of comput­er-­int­egrated EM systems
Integr­ation of electr­onics, control engine­ering, and mechanical engine­ering

Measur­ement Systems Components

Signal Procc.

Amp. Linearity

1. Difficult to interpret non-linear
2. System satisfies linearity over range
3. Linear response holds for limited range
4. Ideal system = linearity for any amp and rate