Psychiatric history taking cheat sheet
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
1. Opening the Consultation
Wash your hands Introduce yourself (full name) and role |
Confirm patient's name and date of birth |
Establish confidentiality |
Confidentiality: "Anything said here today will be confidential unless I feel another person or yourself is at immediate risk, in which case I would need to share some information. I appreciate some questions may be difficult to answer, if there is anything you don't want to answer right now, we can come back to it another time. Does that sound okay?"
2. Exploring PC
Exacerbating/relieving factors
Associated symptoms
Disability |
2.1 Hx of PC - Low Mood
How has your mood been recently? |
Have you felt low in yourself? |
Have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things? |
Have your energy levels been lower than normal? |
Associated symptoms to ask about
Disturbed sleep
Change in appetite/weight
Agitation or slowing down of movements and thoughts
Poor concentration
Thoughts of self-harm/death/suicide
2.2 Hx of PC - Hypomania/mania
"Have you noticed any change in your mood or energy levels recently?" |
"Can you describe the change?" |
Have you felt more irritable or impatient than usual?" |
Associated Symptoms
Increased self-esteem
Reduced social inhibitions
Reduced attention
Inappropriate sexual encounters
2.3 Hx of PC - Anxiety
"Have you been worrying a lot about things recently?" |
"Are you always anxious or does it happen at certain times?" |
"Do you avoid doing things because of your worries?" |
Associated physical symptoms
Chest tightness
Dry mouth
Nausea and committing
Insomnia/difficult sleeping
Important to screen for co-existing depression in patients
2.4 Hx of PC - Psychosis
Hallucinations |
Do you ever hear noises or voices when there is nobody else there? |
Do you feel that someone or something is touching you when there is nobody there? |
Delusions |
Do you sometimes have thoughts that others tell you are false? |
Is there anyone/anything putting thoughts into your head that you know are not your own? |
Is there anyone or anything taking thoughts out of your head? |
Are your thoughts your own? |
Can anyone hear your thoughts? For example, can I hear what you are thinking right now? |
2.5 Hx of PC - Obsessions and Compulsions
Do you get repeated unpleasant thoughts or images coming into your mind? |
Do you get these thoughts entering your mind despite trying to keep them out? |
Do you ever feel that you need to repeatedly check things that you have already done? |
2.6 Hx of PC - Alcohol or substance abuse
Alcohol (CAGE) |
Have you ever felt you ought to Cut down on your drinking? |
Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking? |
Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking? |
Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover? |
Drugs |
Amount of money spent? |
Route of administration |
General |
Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms? |
Has the use caused any physical or mental health problems =? |
Have you continued to use, even though you knew you had problems? |
2.7 Hx of PC - Eating disorders
Building a picture |
Can you describe a typical day's food intake? |
How often do you weight yourself? |
What has your weight been like in the past? |
Adaptive behaviours |
Exercise |
Purging |
Binge eating |
Additional physical symptoms
3. ICE + Summarising
Ideas |
Concerns |
Expectations |
Summarising |
4. Past Psychiatric History
Existing diagnosis |
New condition, or a relapse? |
Previous treatment |
Clarify effectiveness |
Past contact with mental health services |
Primary care? Community mental health team? Crisis team? |
Hospital admission: number of admission, informal or under section of MHA? Admitted to PICU? |
5. Forensic history
Have you ever had any contact with the police? |
If yes, what happened? Were you charged? |
Have you spent any time in prison? |
6. Past medical history
Are there any medical conditions you are currently seeing your GP for? |
Any recent surgeries? |
Any recent hospital admissions? |
7. Drug history
Any prescriptive medications? Herbal remedies? Over-the-counter? |
Recent medication changes? |
8. Family history
Have any of your parents or siblings had problems with their mental health in the past? |
9. Personal history
Childhood |
Do you know if there were any problems during your mother's pregnancy with you? |
How would you describe your childhood? |
School and education |
Did you enjoy school? |
At what age did you leave school? |
Occupation |
Are you employed at the moment? |
How long have you been at your current job? |
Relationships |
How do you get on with your family? |
Do you feel like you have a good social support system? |
Have your current problems affected your relationship? |
What have your romantic relationships been like? |
Pre-morbid personality |
How would you describe yourself? |
How would others describe you? |
10. Social history
Living circumstances |
Ask about living situation |
Ask about children at home - safeguarding |
Activities of daily living |
Diet, financial concerns, housework |
Smoking |
Type and amount of tobacco used |
Alcohol |
Frequency, type and volume of alcohol |
Drugs |
11. Insight
What do you think the cause of the problem is? |
Do you think you have a problem at the moment? |
Do you feel you need help with your problem |
Patient's ability to understand that they have a mental health problem and that what they're experiencing is abnormal.