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Acetaminophen Overdose Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

4 Phases of APAP Toxicity

Phase 1
(1-24 hrs)
- Commonly asympt­omatic or
- Non-sp­ecific (N/V)
Phase 2
(24-48 hrs)
- Labs show hepato­tox­icity
     - Increase INR
     - Increase AST/ALT
- Phase 1 symptoms subside
Phase 3
(48-96 hrs)
- Fulminant liver failure
     - Jaundice
     - Encephalopathy
     - Coagulopathy
     - hepa-t­o-renal syndrome
Phase 4
(>96 hrs)
- Pt either
     - Recovers
     - Dies
     - Receives liver transplant

APAP Explan­ation of Chart on Pg 270

APAP undergoes CYP2E1 (only with excessive doses) and produces NAPQI (toxic)
NAC (N-ace­tyl­cys­teine)
↑ glutat­hione = ↑ GSH (gluta­thi­one­-S-­tra­ferase)
Converts NAPQI to mercap­turic acid (excretes safely from the body)
Rumack Matthew Nomogram
APAP blood levels are drawn and plotted on this

APAP Toxicity Tx

- 140 mg/kg x 1 followed by
- 70 mg/kg Q4H x 17 doses
- Repeat dose if emesis occurs within 1 hr of admini­str­ation
- 150 mg/kg IV x 60 mins followed by
- 50 mg/kg IV x 4 hrs followed by
- 100 mg/kg IV x 16 hrs

Opioid Overdose Symptoms

- Slowed breathing (respi­ratory depres­sion)
- Pinpoint pupils
- Altered mental status
- Uncons­cio­usness (sedation)
- When in doubt give naloxone

Opioid Toxicity Tx

How it works
- If admini­stered quickly, naloxone reverses depressant effects of opioids
Naloxone AE:
- Little to none if no opioids were ingested