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csc 201 slides Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Program Develo­pment

4 phases
establ­ishing the requir­ements: what
creating a design: how , which classes and objects are needed
implem­enting the code: least creative step
testing the implem­ent­ation: Testing attempts to ensure that the program will solve the intended problem under all the constr­aints specified in the requir­ements
OBJ desine
The core activity of object­-or­iented design is determ­ining the classes and objects that will make up the solution
Three of the most common relati­onships:
          Depend­ency: A uses B
don't want numerous or complex depend­encies, or complex classes with out dependency
some happen in same class, like:
str3 = str1.c­onc­at(­str2);
(When an object is passed to a method, the actual parameter and the formal parameter become aliases of each other)
          Inheri­tance: A is-a B
Inheri­tance allows a software developer to derive a new class from an existing one
          Aggreg­ation: A has-a B
aggregate is an object that is made up of other objects
Class Rules
When a class becomes too complex, it often should be decomposed into multiple smaller classes to distribute the respon­sib­ilities
Method Rules
Every method implements an algorithm that determines how the method accomp­lishes its goals
A potent­ially large method should be decomposed into several smaller methods as needed for clarity and may use support methods
we shou stop testing when we think teh risk of unsoved error is lowenuff
test case: set of input and user actions, coupled with the expected results
test suites: formally organized test cases which are stored and reused as needed
Defect testing: is the execution of test cases
regression testing: running previous test suites to ensure new errors
black-box testing: is when a test cases are developed without consid­ering the internal logic
White-box testing: focuses on the internal structure of the code where that every path through the code is tested
Objects are generally nouns, and the services that an object provides are generally verbs
A good testing effort will include both black-box and white-box tests


Polymo­rphism is an object­-or­iented concept that allows us to create versatile software designs
polymo­rphic reference: a variable that can refer to different types of objects at different points in time
The method invoked through a polymo­rphic reference can change from one invocation to the next
All object references in Java are potent­ially polymo­rphic
Java allows this reference to point to it's constr­uctor object, or to any object of any compatible type
This compat­ibility can be establ­ished using inheri­tance or using interfaces
Assigning a child object to a parent reference is considered to be a widening conver­sion, and a narrowing for the other way arownd. (The widening conversion is the most useful)
An interface name can be used as the type of an object reference variable
Speaker current;
The current reference can be used to point to any object of any class that implements the Speaker interface
Selection Sort: find the smallest value in the list switch it with the value in the first position find the next smallest value in the list switch it with the value in the second position repeat until all values are in their proper places
The sorting method needs to be able to call the compareTo method
Insertion Sort:consider the first item to be a sorted sublist (of one item) insert the second item into the sorted sublist, shifting the first item as needed to make room to insert the new addition insert the third item into the sorted sublist (of two items), shifting items as necessary repeat until all values are inserted into their proper positions
Swapping(used for the selection sort algorithm) requires three assignment statements and a temporary storage location:
temp = first; 
first = second;
second = temp;
Recall that an class that implements the Comparable interface defines a compareTo method to determine the relative order of its objects
We can use polymo­rphism to develop a generic sort for any set of Comparable objects
Searching is the process of finding a target element within a group of items called the search pool, the taget might not exsist
Linear Search:A linear search begins at one end of a list and examines each element in turn Eventu­ally, either the item is found or the end of the list is encoun­tered
Binary Search:assumes the list is sorted then dose the: is hafe value =, < or > then move acordi­ngly, repeet until =



An array is an ordered list of values
An array of size N is indexed from zero to N-1
scores[2] refers the 3rd value in the array
The values held in an array are called array elements
An array stores multiple values of the same type the element type, The element type can be a primitive type or an object reference
In Java, the array itself is an object that must be instan­tiated
type[] name = new type[n];

fixed size = n, index = 0-n-1
If an array index is out of bounds, the Java interp­reter throws an
This is called automatic bounds checking
Each array object has a public constant called length that stores the size of the array: name.legth or name.l­egth() size not index
An iterator is an object that implements the Iterator interface
An iterator object provides a means of processing a collection of objects one at a time Several classes in the Java standard class library are iterators (including Arrays)
An iterator is created formally by implem­enting the Iterator interface, which contains three methods
: returns a boolean result – true if there are items left to process
: returns the next object in the iteration
: removes the object most recently returned by the next method
float[] prices; = float prices[];
int[] units = {147, 323, 89, 933, 540, 269, 97, 114, 298, 476}; 
char[] letter­Grades = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', ’F'};
String[] verbs = {"pl­ay", "­wor­k", "­eat­", "­sle­ep"};
An entire array can be passed as a parameter to a method Like any other object, the reference to the array is passed, making the formal and actual parameters aliases of each other Therefore, changing an array element within the method changes the original An individual array element can be passed to a method as well, in which case the type of the formal parameter is the same as the element type


The GUI designer should:
     Know the user
     Prevent user errors
     Optimize user abilities
     Be consistent
 ­  Whenever possible, we should design user interfaces that minimize possible user mistakes
   Error messages should guide the user approp­riately
   We should choose the best GUI components for each task
   We should provide multiple ways to accomplish a task whenever reason­abl­e(c­trl-C)
JavaFX programs extend the abstract Applic­ation class, inheriting core graphical functi­onality
launch method sets up the basic graphical interface and calls the start method.(must have this sice inhareted as abstract)
The main method is only needed to call the inherited launch method­(some IDEs dont need this method)
stage: is the window and holds one scene at a time
scene: set up for what is on the window
the top left corner of the scen is (0,0) all other points are the abs on that like: (112,40)
RGB rang of 0-255
The static rgb method usees specific RGB value
Color purple = Color.r­gb­(183, 44, 150);

The color method uses percen­tages:
Color maroon = Color.c­ol­or(0.6, 0.1, 0.0);
GUI in Java is created with at least three kinds of objects: controls, events (is an object that represents some activity to which we may want to respond), and event handlers(called a listen­er)­(must accept an Action­Event object as a parameter)
Basic Shapes
Line(s­tartX, startY, endX, endY)

Rectan­gle(x, y, width, height)

Circle­(ce­nterX, centerY, radius)

Ellips­e(c­enterX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY)

Arc(ce­nterX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, startA­ngle, arcLength)
Transl­ating a shape or group shifts its position along the x or y axis{{ln}} A shape or group can be rotated using the setRotate method
Image logo = new Image(­"­myP­ix/­sma­llL­­g");

imgVie­w.s­etV­iew­por­t(new Rectan­gle­2D(200, 80, 70, 60));
A stack pane stacks its nodes on top of each other. Since the image view is the only node in the pane, the stack pane simply serves to keep the image centered in the window
A text field allows the user to enter one line of input
All visual components must be attached to a scene.
that scene must be attached to a stage.
The set of all visual compon­entsin a scene is called the scene graph.
All visual components attached to the scene graph are called nodes.
A branch node is a node that can contain other nodes.
A leaf node is a node which cannot contain other nodes.
The root node is the primary container for a scene graph

Branching: if, switch

The order of statement execution is called the flow of control. it gose strait though unless:
Repetition statements: execute a statement over and over, repetitively
[if statement, if-else statement, switch statement]
Condit­ional statements: decide whether or not to execute a particular statement
[the while loop, the do loop, the for loop]
==  ­ ­ ­  equal to
!=  ­ ­ ­ ­  not equal to
<  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  less than
>  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  greater than
<=  ­ ­ ­  less than or equal to
>=  ­ ­ ­  greater than or equal to
||  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  Logical OR
&&  ­ ­ ­  Logical AND
!  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  Logical NOT
if (sum > MAX) 
    delta = sum - MAX;
System.out.println ("The sum is " + sum);

If the condition is true, the assignment statement is execif it isn’t, it is skipped. Either way, the call to println is executed next
nested if statements: if() { if() { } }else { }
An else clause is matched to the last unmatched if (no matter what the indent­ation implies)
comparing: floats: (Math.a­bs(f1 - f2) < TOLERANCE)
Charac­ters: a!=A
(0-9 = 48-57, A-Z = 65-90, a-z 97-122)
String: (name1.eq­ual­s(n­ame2))
(if you use the staight == then: it will only be true if the two String objects are aliases of each other this is the same for all objects)
or name1.c­om­par­eTo­(name2) gives a pos neg of 0 out as the compaison value
switch (option)
 ­  case 'A':
 ­ ­ ­  aCount++;
 ­ ­ ­  break;
 ­  case 'B':
 ­ ­ ­  bCount++;
 ­ ­ ­  break;
 ­  case 'default':
 ­ ­ ­  cCount++;
 ­ ­ ­  break;
A switch statement can have an optional default case The default case has no associated value and simply uses the reserved word default If the default case is present, control will transfer to it if no other case value matches If there is no default case, and no other value matches, control falls through to the statement after the switch
The expression of a switch statement must result in an integral type, meaning an int or a char
One listener object can be used to listen to two different components
The source of the event can be determined by using the getSource method of the event passed to the listener
Condit­ional Operator
condition ? expres­sion1 : expres­sion2

If the condition is true, expres­sion1 is evaluated; if it is false, expres­sion2 is evaluated
The condit­ional operator is similar to an if-else statement, except that it is an expression that returns a value