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Test 1 - Globe Trotter Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Test 1 on tourism, europe and attractions

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Descri­ption:  The act of a person traveling and staying in an area outside from their usual enviro­nment.
Purpose: Leisure (sport, visit,­ect..), buisiness vut cant earn money from destin­ation.
Duration: More than 24h, less than a year
Distance: At least 80km from place of residence, has to be a round trip (aller­-re­tour)
History: As soon as the ancient greece, influenced by indust­ria­lis­ation.
Growth: Organi­zations UNWTO UNESCO WTTC Businesses Govern­ments Associ­ations Regional and national promotion associ­ations (ex: Tourisme Canton­s-d­e-l­’Est, Bonjour Québec,…) Research organi­zations or think tanks (ex: Destin­ation Canada, AITQ,…)
Releva­nt:$$$ Highly geographic Increasing trend (even if…) Angle for studies (wealth, enviro­nment, cultures) Different scales

Euro vs UE vs Shengen

The euro is a unit of money that is used by the member countries of the European Union which have accepted European monetary union. It is repres­ented by the symbol €.
The European Union (EU) is a supran­ational political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe
an agreement between many countries of the European Union that allows people and goods to pass freely across the borders of each country without passport or other controls. Some European countries outside the European Union are also part of the agreement. The name comes from Schengen in Luxemb­ourg, where the agreement was signed. :

Attraction factors

Climate, biology, Landforms & Distance
Language Culture Connexion City vs rural areas Economy Friends and family

Butler's Model


Main destin­ations, Places are interd­epe­ndent ( popularity of one can lead to the downfall of the other, when if 2 are close they might get popular together).
On the way: pit stop, Transit: connect transp­ort­ation means, Shadows: close by main destin­ations and benefits, Grand tour: 1-2 days stays.





A state is an associ­ation of people charac­terized by formal instit­utions of govern­ment, including laws; permanent territ­orial bounda­ries; and sovere­ignty (political indepe­nde­nce).
A nation is a group of people with a common language, history, culture, and (usually) geographic territory.
Nation states
a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homoge­neous in factors such as language or common descent.
including or involving several countries or indivi­duals of several nation­ali­ties.
relating to or involving several states , esp of Australia or the US
policy of advocating the restor­ation to a country of any territory formerly belonging to it.
stateless nations
A stateless nation is an ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and is not the majority population in any nation state.
ethnic exclave
A small part of the Quebec portion of the First Nations' territory is considered a pene-e­xclave as it bounded by the waters of the St. Lawrence and St. Regis Rivers to the north and east and the U.S. mainland to the south
ethnic enclave
In sociology, an ethnic enclave is a geographic area with high ethnic concen­tra­tion, charac­ter­istic cultural identity, and economic activity.
a nation that is extremely small in area and popula­tion.

Cultural impacts

Exchange +
Between cultures, leads to openess and creation, motiva­tion.
Revita­liz­ation +
Allow improv­ement of location creating better enviro­nem­ents. Expression of poor local culture thats leads to recogn­ition of some languages brought back.
Promotion +
Leads to more money and tourism trafic
Sometimes cultures will impact/be impacted by what is arround them. Physical realities may impact on social­/cu­ltural behaviors
Problem with dealing with tourist experience and perserving and limit impact of tourism on attraction
Demons­tration effect -
Influenced by tourism, leads to behavioral changes
Accult­uration -
When 2 culture have mutual influence, may lead to antago­nism. When culture dont have the same invasion, one stronger culture may take over another culture.
Discre­pancy between culture -
Tranfo­rmation of local traditions (commo­dif­ica­tion). Transf­orm­ation of locals. Transf­orm­ation of landscape, new facilities (stand­ari­sat­ion). Tranfo­rmation of expres­ssion (staged authen­tic­ity).

Micro states

Orange: Medieval origin, rich (usu. tax haven) at UN Purple: Head of the Catholic Church, exclued from Italy, not in UN Green: Former Yogosl­avia, Kosovo, not recognized by all countries Light green: Former USSR, Georgian territory, recognized by very few countries