Python Strings
Operations on strings and examples: |
Multiline strings |
x = """ This is a multiline string"""
Get the character at a specific position |
x = "Python Programming" print(x[1]) #print character at position 1 >>> y
Slicing |
x = "Python Programming" print(x[3:5]) >>> ho
Negative Indexing |
x = "Python Programming" print(x[-15:-13]) >>> ho
String Length |
x = "Hello" print(len(x)) >>> 5
Remove any whitespace from the beginning or the end |
x = " Hello " print(x.strip()) #return "Hello"
Return the string in lower case |
x = Hello print(x.lower()) #return "hello"
Python Strings
Return the string in upper case |
x = Hello print(x.upper()) #return "HELLO"
Replace a string with another string |
x = "Hello" print(x.replace("He","A")) #return "Allo"
Choose a separator and split string into substrings |
x = "Python Programming" print(x.split(" ")) # return ['Python' , 'Programming']
Check if a string is present in a text |
txt = "Tunisia is a North African country" x = "North" in txt print(x) # return True
Concatenation |
x = "Hello" y = "World" z = x + " " + y print(z) # return "Hello World"
Insert numbers into strings |
quantity = 3 itemno = 567 price = 49.95 myorder = "I want {} pieces of item {} for {} dollars." print(myorder.format(quantity, itemno, price))
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