a = 2 b = 8 if (a < b): print("a < b") >>> a < b
We must define scope before the print
. In fact python relies on indentation (whitespace at the beginning of a line) to define scope in the code. |
if (a > b): print("a > b") elif (a < b): print("a < b") >>> a < b
The elif
keyword is used to say if the previous conditions were not true, then try this condition. |
if (a > b): print("a > b") elif (a < b): print("a < b") else: print("a is equal to b")
The else keyword catches anything which isn't caught by the preceding conditions. |
Short Hand If
if a < b: print("a < b")
Short Hand If ... Else
Two conditions: |
print("a > b") if a > b else print("a < b")
Three conditions: |
print("a > b") if a > b else print("a is equal to b") if a == b else print("a < b") >>> a < b
if (condition_1 and condition_2): print("Both conditions are correct") else: print("At least one of the conditions is incorrect")
if (condition_1 or condition_2): print("At least one of the conditions is correct") else: print("Both conditions are incorrect")
Nested If
if (a > 0): if (a > b): print("a > 0 and a > b") elif (a < b): print("a > 0 and a < b") else: print("a < 0") >>> a > 0 and a < b
The pass Statement
statements cannot be empty, but if we for some reason have an if statement with no content, we can put in the pass
statement to avoid getting an error. |
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Great one. Carry on!
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