= |
Assigns a value to an object |
<- |
x > y |
x greater than y |
x < y |
x is less than y |
x >= y |
x greater than or equal to y |
x <= y |
x is less than or equal to y |
!= x |
not equal to x |
!x |
not x |
x | y |
x OR y |
x & y |
x AND y |
Basic R Functions
Access a function's help file
Load a csv file read.csv("snails.csv", header = TRUE, row.names = NULL)
Install a library install.packages("library name")
Load an installed library library(library name)
Resize images in Jupyter and Google Collab options(repr.plot.width = x, repr.plot.height = y)
Return the amount of values in x
Return the number of rows in a dataframe
Return the absolute value(s) in x
Return the sum of all the values in x
Return the square-root of the value(s) in x
Return the mean of the values in x with optional arguments for trimming and removing NAs mean(x, tr = 0, na.rm = FALSE)
Return the median of the values in x with optional arguments removing NAs
Return the sample standard deviation of values in x with optional argument for removing NAs
Return the sample variance of values in x with optional argument for removing NAs
Return the quartiles for x with optional argument for removing NAs quantile(x, na.rm = FALSE)
Sort the values of x into ascending order
Compute the median absolute deviation of x with optional argument to remove NAs
Find NA values in x (returns TRUE/FALSE)
Paste things together into a single string paste(x, y, z, sep = "")
Create a table of counts Examples: table(x) table(x, y)
Data Frames
Create a new data frame Column_1 = c("A", "B", "C") Column_2 = c(21, 22, NA) new_df = data.frame(Column_1, Column_2)
Add a column new_df$Column_3 = c(51, 52, 53)
Select a specific value (e.g., 52 = row 2, column 3)
Select a series of values (e.g., all of row 2) new_df[2, c(1,2,3)]
or new_df[2, ]
Select an entire column (e.g., column 2) new_df$Column_2
or new_df[ , 2]
Isolate column values that are not NAs new_df$Column_2[!is.na(new_df$Column_2)]
Subset Function
Used to select specific observations from a dataframe according to a rule you specify. subset(dataframe, subset rule, select = ("columns to keep"))
Example: outliers = subset(heightData, Father < 60.1 | Father > 75.3, select = c("Father"))
Library Functions
library(car) |
Levene's Test leveneTest(data_frame$Response, data_frame$Predictor, center = median)
Bootstrapping a Regression Model x = Boot(model, R = 2000) hist(x) confint(x) summary(x)
Type III Sum of Squares ANOVA Anova(model, type = "III")
library(effsize) |
Cohen's d and Hedges g cohen.d(y~x, data, hedges.correction = FALSE)
library(plyr) |
Aggregate data frames new_df = ddply(dataframe, c("Predictor1, Predictor2"), summarise, n = length(Score_Column), Means = mean(Score_Column) )
library(polycor) |
Biserial Correlation
library(pwr) |
Sample Size for a Two-Sample T-test pwr.t.test(d, sig.level, power, type = c("two.sample, "paired"))
Sample Size for a One-Way ANOVA pwr.anova.test(k, f, sig.level, power)
library(rcompanion) |
Calculates lambda for Tukey's ladder of powers transformTukey(x, plotit = FALSE, returnLambda = TRUE)
library(WRS2) |
Winsorized variance of x
Yuen's two sample t-test for trimmed independent means
One-Way Robust Independent ANOVA with bootstrapping: F-tests t1waybt(Response ~ Predictor, data = data, tr = 0.2, nboot = 2000)
One-Way Robust Independent ANOVA with bootstrapping: Post Hocs mcppb20(Response~ Predictor, data = data, tr = 0.2, nboot = 2000)
Two-Way Robust Independent ANOVA: F-tests t2way(Response ~ Predictor A+ Predictor B + Predictor A : Predictor B, data = depress, tr = 0.2)
Two-Way Robust Independent ANOVA: Post-Hocs x = mcp2atm(Response ~ Predictor A+ Predictor B + Predictor A : Predictor B, data = depress, tr = 0.2) x$contrasts x
Distribution Functions
Return the the corresponding quantile for a given probability |
Normal Distribution qnorm(probability, mean, sd)
T Distribution qt(probability, df, lower.tail)
F Distribution qf(probability, df1, df2, lower.tail)
Chi-Square Distribution qchisq(probability, df, lower.tail)
Return the the corresponding probability for a given quantile. |
Normal Distribution pnorm(quantile, mean, sd)
T Distribution pt(quantile, df, lower.tail)
F Distribution pf(quantile, df1, df2, lower.tail)
Chi-Square Distribution pchisq(quantile, df, lower.tail)
Regression and ANOVA Functions
Factoring a Predictor |
data_frame$Predictor = factor(data_frame$Predictor)
Viewing levels of a factor |
Linear Model |
model = lm(Response ~ Predictor1 + Predictor2, data = data)
Summary output of a linear model |
Linear Model Confidence Intervals |
F-test Model Comparisons |
anova(model1, model2, model3, etc...)
Anova main effects |
Dummy Coding with 1s and 0s |
ifelse(data_frame$Predictor == "X", 1, 0)
Contrasts |
cont1 = c(1, 1, -2) cont2 = c(1, -1, 0) contrasts(data_frame$Predictor) = cbind(cont1, cont2)
Polynomial Contrasts |
contrasts(data_frame$Predictor) = contr.poly(levels(data_frame$Predictor))
Post Hoc Tests ("bonferroni", "holm", "BH") |
pairwise.t.test(data_frame$Response, data_frame$Predictor, p.adjust.method = c("holm"))
Tukey HSD |
TukeyHSD(aov(model), "Predictor")
Note: the lm()
function stores many useful things as attributes:
Common Statistical Tests and Calculations
T-test t.test(y~x, alternative = c("two.sided"), mu = 0, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95)
Goodness-Of Fit (One Variable) chisq.test(x = observed, p = expected probabilities)
Pearson's Chi-squared test (Two Variables) chisq.test(table , correct = FALSE)
Fisher's Exact Test
Plotting: library(ggplot2)
Histogram ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Dep_Var)) + geom_histogram(colour = "black", fill = "white")
Density Plot ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Dep_Var)) + geom_density(colour = "black",fill = "pink", adjust = 1)
Boxplots ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Indep_Var, y = Dep_Var)) + geom_boxplot()
Barplot with errorbars ggplot(plotData, aes(x = Indep_Var, y = Dep_Var, fill = Indep_Var)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", colour = "black") + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = bottom_value, ymax = top_value), width = .25)
Q-Q Plot For two independent samples Remove + facet_wrap() for a single sample ggplot(dataFrame, aes(sample = Dep_Var)) + stat_qq() + stat_qq_line() + facet_wrap(~ Indep_Var)
Line Plot of Means with Two Predictors ggplot(plotData, aes(x = PredictorA, y = Means, group = PredictorB, colour = PredictorB)) + geom_line(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4))
Scatterplot with Regression Line ggplot(dataframe, aes(x = predictor, y = response)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(intercept = b0, slope = b1)