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python regex(regular expression) Cheat Sheet by

regular expression using python 3


re.match(pattern, "spamspamspam")
#returns True
match returns an object repres­enting the match, if not, it returns None.


re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0)
str = "My name is David. Hi David."
pattern = r"David"
newstr = re.sub(pattern, "Amy", str)
My name is Amy. Hi Amy.
This method replaces all occurr­ences of the pattern in string with repl, substi­tuting all occurr­ences, unless count provided. This method returns the modified string.

^start &end

pattern = r"^gr.y$"
The next two metach­ara­cters are ^ and $.
These match the start and end of a string, respec­tively.

[] character classes 3

pattern = r"[^A-Z]"

if, "this is all quiet"):
   print("Match 1")

if, "AbCdEfG123"):
   print("Match 2")

   print("Match 3")
##The pattern [^A-Z] excludes uppercase strings.
Note, that the ^ should be inside the brackets to invert the character class.
Match 1
Match 2

special sequences

pattern = r"(.+) \1"

match = re.match(pattern, "word word")
if match:
   print ("Match 1")

match = re.match(pattern, "?! ?!")
if match:
   print ("Match 2")    

match = re.match(pattern, "abc cde")
if match:
   print ("Match 3")
Match 1
Match 2

Note, that "(.+) \1" is not the same as "(.+) (.+)", because \1 refers to the first group's subexpression, which is the matched expression itself, and not the regex pattern.
There are various special sequences you can use in regular expres­sions. They are written as a backslash followed by another character.
One useful special sequence is a backslash and a number between 1 and 99, e.g., \1 or \17. This matches the expression of the group of that number.

? metach­aracter

pattern = r"ice(-)?cream"

if re.match(pattern, "ice-cream"):
   print("Match 1")

if re.match(pattern, "icecream"):
   print("Match 2")
The metach­aracter ? means "zero or one repeti­tio­ns".

{} metach­ara­cters

pattern = r"9{1,3}$"

if re.match(pattern, "9"):
   print("Match 1")

if re.match(pattern, "999"):
   print("Match 2")

if re.match(pattern, "9999"):
   print("Match 3")
Match 1
Match 2
Curly braces can be used to represent the number of repeti­tions between two numbers.
The regex {x,y} means "­between x and y repeti­tions of someth­ing­".
Hence {0,1} is the same thing as ?.
If the first number is missing, it is taken to be zero. If the second number is missing, it is taken to be infinity.

search() and findall()

if, "eggspamsausagespam"):
   print("No match")
print(re.findall(pattern, "eggspamsausagespam"))
['spam', 'spam']
The function finds a match of a pattern anywhere in the string.
The function re.findall returns a list of all substrings that match a pattern.

. (dot).

pattern = r"gr.y"
# this will be grey or gray or anything else except newline
This matches any character, other than a new line.

\d \s \w Special sequences

pattern = r"(\D+\d)"

match = re.match(pattern, "Hi 999!")

if match:
   print("Match 1")

match = re.match(pattern, "1, 23, 456!")
if match:
   print("Match 2")

match = re.match(pattern, " ! $?")
if match:
    print("Match 3")
Match 1
More useful special sequences are \d, \s, and \w.
These match digits, whites­pace, and word characters respec­tively.
In ASCII mode they are equivalent to [0-9], [ \t\n\r­\f\v], and [a-zA-­Z0-9_].
In Unicode mode they match certain other charac­ters, as well. For instance, \w matches letters with accents.
Versions of these special sequences with upper case letters - \D, \S, and \W - mean the opposite to the lower-case versions. For instance, \D matches anything that isn't a digit.

[] character classes 2

pattern = r"[A-Z][A-Z][0-9]"

if, "LS8"):
   print("Match 1")

if, "E3"):
   print("Match 2")
#The pattern in the example above matches strings that contain two alphabetic uppercase letters followed by a digit.

Match 1
Character classes can also match ranges of charac­ters.
The class [a-z] matches any lowercase alphabetic character.
The class [G-P] matches any uppercase character from G to P.
The class [0-9] matches any digit.
Multiple ranges can be included in one class. For example, [A-Za-z] matches a letter of any cases.

+ metach­aracter

pattern = r"g+"

if re.match(pattern, "g"):
   print("Match 1")

To summarize:
* matches 0 or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
+ matches 1 or more occurrence of the preceding expression.
The metach­aracter + is very similar to *, except it means "one or more repeti­tio­ns", as opposed to "zero or more repeti­tio­ns".

Groups in metach­ara­cters ()

pattern = r"a(bc)(de)(f(g)h)i"

match = re.match(pattern, "abcdefghijklmnop")
if match:
('bc', 'de', 'fgh', 'g')
The content of groups in a match can be accessed using the group function.
A call of group(0) or group() returns the whole match.
A call of group(n), where n is greater than 0, returns the nth group from the left.
The method groups() returns all groups up from 1.

\A \Z \b special sequences

pattern = r"\b(cat)\b"

match =, "The cat sat!")
if match:
   print ("Match 1")

match =, "We s>cat<tered?")
if match:
   print ("Match 2")

match =, "We scattered.")
if match:
   print ("Match 3")
Match 1
Match 2

"\b(cat)\b" basically matches the word "cat" surrounded by word boundaries.
Additional special sequences are \A, \Z, and \b.
The sequences \A and \Z match the beginning and end of a string, respec­tively.
The sequence \b matches the empty string between \w and \W charac­ters, or \w characters and the beginning or end of the string. Inform­ally, it represents the boundary between words.
The sequence \B matches the empty string anywhere else.

| "­or" metach­aracter

pattern = r"gr(a|e)y"

match = re.match(pattern, "gray")
if match:
   print ("Match 1")

match = re.match(pattern, "grey")
if match:
   print ("Match 2")    

match = re.match(pattern, "griy")
if match:
    print ("Match 3")
Match 1
Match 2
Another important metach­aracter is |.
This means "­or", so red|blue matches either "­red­" or "­blu­e".

named groups & noncap­turing groups

pattern = r"(?P<first>abc)(?:def)(ghi)"

match = re.match(pattern, "abcdefghi")
if match:
('abc', 'ghi')
Named groups have the format (?P<na­me>...), where name is the name of the group, and ... is the content. They behave exactly the same as normal groups, except they can be accessed by group(­name) in addition to its number.
Non-ca­pturing groups have the format (?:...). They are not accessible by the group method, so they can be added to an existing regular expression without breaking the numbering.

* metach­aracter

pattern = r"egg(spam)*"

if re.match(pattern, "egg"):
   print("Match 1")

if re.match(pattern, "eggspamspamegg"):
   print("Match 2")

if re.match(pattern, "spam"):
   print("Match 3")
match 1
match 2
The example above matches strings that start with "egg" and follow with zero or more "spam"s.
The metach­aracter * means "zero or more repeti­tions of the previous thing".

[] character classes

pattern = r"[aeiou]"

if, "grey"):
   print("Match 1")

if, "qwertyuiop"):
   print("Match 2")

if, "rhythm myths"):
   print("Match 3")

#The pattern [aeiou] in the search function matches all strings that contain any one of the characters defined
Match 1
Match 2
Character classes provide a way to match only one of a specific set of charac­ters.

Search­->>­Group, Start,­End­,Span

match =, "eggspamsausage")
if match:
(4, 7)
The regex search returns an object with several methods that give details about it.
These methods include group which returns the string matched, start and end which return the start and ending positions of the first match, and span which returns the start and end positions of the first match as a tuple.


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