This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Jasmine test block
describe("A suite", function() {
describe("Optional subsection", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
// runs before every it(...) in the block
afterEach(function() {
// runs after every it(...) in the block
it("contains tests", function() {
// assert using matchers
Focused tests
ddescribe(block, function() { ... }) Run only tests in this block
iit(test, function() { ... }) Run only this test. Takes presedence over ddescribe(...)
Skipped tests
xdescribe( label, function(){ ... }) skip block
xit( label, function(){ ... }) skip test
expect(1).toBe(1); match with ===
expect({a:1}).toEqual({a:1}); match simple literals and variables
expect("foo bar").toMatch(/bar/) match regular expressions
expect(bar).toBeUndefined(); identical to expect(bar).not.toBeDefined();
expect(null).toBeNull(); match against null
expect(1).toBeTruthy(); |
expect(0).toBeFalsy(); |
expect(["foo", "bar"]).toContain("bar"); match an item in an Array
expect(1).toBeLessThan(2); |
expect(2).toBeGreaterThan(1); |
expect(1).toBeCloseTo(1.5, 1); |
expect(function).toThrow(); expect( function() { throw 'error message';}).toThrow()