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Authoring Basic Rules in Business Central Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Link to business central

Precon­dition: Red Hat JBoss BRMS must already be started using command prompt

Main features of Business Central

Group assets together as a package
Domain­-sp­ecific language support
Complex event processing support
Version control
Rule validation
Build and deploy an assembly of assets into a binary package
A REST API to manipulate assets
Multiple types of rule editors
Simple text editor
Guided rule editor
Rule templates
Decision tables

Step 1: Upload the facts to business central

Developer supplies to Business Analyst using either:
JAR file
File with facts in Java-c­omp­liant format.
Git Commit
Commit facts to Business Central Git reposi­tory, using a developer tool.
Go to
Deployment > Artifact Repository
Choose file
Your JAR file