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BIOOLOGY - UNIT 5 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Population Ecology & Distribution of Organisms,

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Population Ecology & Distri­bution of Organisms,

study of intera­ctions between organisms and the enviro­nment
structure, physio­logy, behavior, evolut­ionary vs enviro­nmental challenges {{width=60}}
factors that affect pop. size {{width=60}}
intera­ctions between species vs comm. structure & organi­zation
energy flow & chemical cycling between organisms & enviro­nment
ecosystem = community of organisms in an area and the physical factors with which they interact
factors contro­lling exchanges of energy, materials, organism across multiple ecosystems
landsc­ape­/se­ascape = mosaic of connected ecosystems
biosphere, or global ecosystem; influence of energy & materials on organisms across the biosphere
biosphere = sum of all the planet's ecosystems & landscapes
abiotic factors
nonliving chemicals & physical attributes of enviro­nment
ex. temp., precip­ita­tion, sunlight, wind
biotic factors
organisms that make up the living component of enviro­nment

Global Climate Patterns

patterns are largely determined by solar energy and the planet's movement in space
warming effect of sun = various temper­atures --> evapor­ation, circul­ation of air/water
laditu­dinal variations in climate

Latitu­dinal Variation in Sunlight Intensity

• caused by shape of Earth
•sunlight strikes tropic regions between 23.5° north and 23.5° south latitude, most directly

•main reason polar regions are cooler is sunlight strikes poles at lower angles


Affected by:
•large bodies of water
•mountain ranges
•caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation & its annual passage around the sun
•strong seasonla cycles in day length, solar radiation, temperate
•changing angle of the sun affects local enviro­nments
Bodies of Water
•moderate climate of nearby terres­trial environments
during the day, air rises over warm land and draws a cool breeze from the water across the land
at night, the land cools, air rises over warm water and draws cooler air from land back over the water, which is replaced by warmer air from offshore

Large Bodies of Water & Mountains on Climate


a biome is a type of ecosystem
• a community of organisms with certain abiotic enviro­nmental conditions
•major life zones charac­terised by vegetation type in terres­trial biomes or by physical enviro­nment in aquatic biomes
ecotone - area of interg­rad­ation
climograph - plots annual mean temp. & precip­itation
distur­bance - removes organisms, alters resources
on land, what determines where biomes are located?
• latitu­dinal patterns in terres­trial biomes reflect the latitu­dinal patterns on climate
temper­ature & precip­itation affect terres­trial biomes
• climate determines vegetation type and limits the distri­bution of terres­trial biomes
•chara­cte­rized by vertical layering (upper canopy, lower tree) = diverse habitat
• no sharp boundaries
‣ tropical forest
‣ savanna
‣ deserts
‣ others...
charac­terized by physical & chem enviro­nment, geological features, photos­ynt­hetic organisms, & hetero­trophs)
• stratified into vertical & horizontal zones
light intensity decrease with depth
vertical zones:
➤ upper photic zone - plenty of light for photos­ynt­hesis
➤ lower aphotic zone - little light
pelagic zone (photic + aphotic)
benthic zone - (bottom pelagic) organic & inorg. sediment [benthos = commun­ities]
thermo­cline separates warm upper layer from cold deeper water ______­___­___­___­___­___­___­_____
horizontal zones:
littoral - shallow, near shore, rooted plants
limnetic zone - away from shore, too deep for rooted plants

Intera­ctions Between Organisms & Enviro­nment


Intera­ctions Between Organisms & Enviro­nment
