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Biomes Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A biome is a naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Flora diversity determ­inants

1. Physical -> i) Terres­trial - Climate, Topogr­aphy, and Soil ii) Aquatic - Depth, Water temper­ature, Flow rate, and Oxygen and Nutrient concen­tra­tions
2. Biological -> intera­ction between species
3. Historical

Biome vs Ecosystem

A biome is a large community of flora and fauna occupying major habitat
Ecosystem is a place where all biotic and abiotic things live together and interact
Consists of ecosystem sharing similar climate
consist of biotic and abiotic factors

Types of Biomes (9)

• Tropical rainforest
• Tropical seasonal forest / savanna
• Subtro­pical desert
• Woodla­nd/­Shr­ubland
• Temperate rainforest
• Temperate seasonal forest
• Temperate grassland/ desert
• Boreal forest
• Tundra