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parallels Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


int H_out = H – K + 1;
int W_out = W – K + 1;
for (int b = 0; b < B; ++b)
for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c) { int w_base = c (KK); for (int p = 0; p < K; ++p)
for (int q = 0; q < K; ++q) { for(inth=0;h< H_out;++h)
for (int w = 0; w < W_out; ++w) {
int w_unroll = w_base + p * K + q;
int h_unroll = h * W_out + w;
X_unroll[b, h_unroll, w_unroll] = X[b, c, h + p, w + q];


Unroll size CKK x H_out*­­W_out
Input (/ for rep) C(H_o­­ut+­­K-­1­)­(­W­_o­­ut+K-1)

convo forward

int m = blockIdx.x;
int h = blockIdx.y / W_grid + threadIdx.y;
int w = blockIdx.y % W_grid + threadIdx.x;
float acc = 0.;
for(intc=0; c<C;c++){
for(intp=0;p<K;p++) KxK filter for (int q = 0; q < K; q++)acc += X[c, h + p, w + q] * W[m, c, p, q];
}Y[m, h, w] = acc;


int X_tile_width = TILE_WIDTH + K-1;
extern __shared__ float shmem[];
float* X_shared = &shmem[0];
float W_shared = &shmem[X_tile_width X_tile_width];
m = blockIdx.x;
h_base = (blockIdx.z / W_grid) TILE_SIZE; the block w_base = (blockIdx.z % W_grid) TILE_SIZE; x = threadIdx.x; ty = threadIdx.y; h = h_base + tx; w = w_base + ty;
float acc = 0.;
for (c = 0; c < C; c++)
tx and ty used as shorthand for threadIdx.x and threadIdx.y
if (( ty < K) && ( tx < K)) W_shared[ty, tx]= W [m, c, ty, tx];
for (int i = h; i < h_base + X_tile_width; i += TILE_WIDTH) { for (int j = w; j < w_base + X_tile_width; j += TILE_WIDTH)
X_shared[i - h_base, j - w_base] = X[n, c, i, j]}__syncthreads();}Y[n, m, h, w] = acc;


__shared__ unsigned int histo_private[256];
if (threadIdx.x < 256) histo_private[threadidx.x] = 0;
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x; while (i < size) {
atomicAdd( &(private_histo[buffer[i]), 1);
i += stride; }
if (threadIdx.x < 256)
atomicAdd( &(histo[threadIdx.x]), private_histo[threadIdx.x] );


int row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (row < num_rows){
float dot = 0;

int row_start = row_ptr[row];
int row_end = row_ptr[row+1];
for (int elem = row_start; elem < row_end; elem++) {
dot += data[elem] * x[col_index[elem]]; }
y[row] = dot;

dot += data[row+inum_rows]x[col_index[row+i*num_rows]]; y[row] = dot;

for (int i = 0; i < num_elem; row++)
y[row_index[i]] += data[i] * x[col_index[i]];

int row_start = jds_row_ptr[row];
int row_end = jds_row_ptr[row+1];
for (int elem = row_start; elem < row_end; elem++) {
dot += data[elem] * x[col_index[elem]]; y[jds_row_index[row]] = dot;

unsigned in sec = 0;
while (jds_t_col_ptr[sec+1]-jds_t_col_ptr[sec] > row){ dot += data[jds_t_col_ptr[sec]+row] *
y[jds_row_index[row]] = dot;