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German Quick Tips Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

German quick tips for past perfect and present perfect.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ich habe Arby's gegess­en...

Present Prefec­t/P­erfekt
When to use
In spoken German or casual conver­sation. To talk about something you did in the past that's still relevant to the present.
You're not hungry now because you already ate.
Willst du etwas essen? (Do you want anything to eat?)
Nein, ich habe Arby's gegessen. (No, I ate at Arby's.)

Ich hatte Arby's gegess­en...

(Past Perfec­t/P­lus­qua­mpe­rfekt)
When to use
To talk about something that happened before another event in the past. To give background inform­ation or explain why something else happened.
Ich hatte Arby's gegessen, bevor ich ins Kino ging. (I had eaten at Arby's before I went to the movies.)
Here, you're describing the order of events: first you ate, then you went to the movies.

Quick Tip:

Ich habe Arby's gegess­en...
for general past events or in conver­sation.
Ich hatte Arby's gegess­en...
whn you need to show that it happened before another past event.